Caspar Friedrich Renner

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Caspar Friedrich Renner (born March 20, 1692 in Hann. Münden ; † May 31, 1772 in Bremen ) was a German lawyer, Hanoverian director , structural engineer and mayor .


Renner was the eldest son of the doctor Peter Johannes Renner (1661–1726), who practiced in Hannoversch Münden, in Celle and most recently in Bremen. He had 12 siblings, including three pastors. In his first marriage he was married to Marianne Brown / Brauns (1707–1751) from 1724, a daughter of the chief hunter Roger Brown, first stable master at the state stud in Celle . With her he had 15 children, including his future assistant and successor Johann Christoph Georg Renner (1727–1799) and the chief dichgrave in Wischhafen Adolph Friedrich Renner (1741–1812). The widower married in 1752 on Gut Marßel ​​near Lesum Augusta Friederika Mauritia von Weltzien (1719–1777). This second marriage remained childless. The veterinarian and founder of the veterinary school in Jena Dr. Theobald Renner (1779–1850) and Caspar Friedrich Renner (1780–1816), professor of mathematics in Kazan (Russia) are two of his grandchildren. The writer Charlotte von Eine was a great niece .


Caspar Friedrich Renner studied law at the University of Jena and the University of Halle . In 1717 he became director of the Hanoverian goods of the St. Petri Cathedral in and around Bremen. In 1724 he was also the structurist of the Bremen Cathedral and in 1738 also mayor of Bremen. From 1760 his son Johann Christoph Georg was his adjunct . In his 50-year activity as artistic director and structural engineer, he carried out a thorough renovation of St. Petri Cathedral. The redesign of the Domsheide , restorations of the Bremen Cathedral School , the bell and the northern cathedral tower ( Welsche Haube ) were carried out in his time and according to his plans.

Renner also wrote numerous occasional poems. The Low German poem Hennynk de Han (translated Hennink the rooster ) became famous . The painter Johann Heinrich Menken (1766–1838) provided the illustrations in a new edition by Nikolaus Meyer in 1814 . Meyer also included a biography of CF Renner with a list of his publications in the foreword.


  • Herbert Black Forest : The Great Bremen Lexicon . 2nd, updated, revised and expanded edition. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2003, ISBN 3-86108-693-X .
  • Ruth Hanna Lesser: Caspar Friedrich Renner (1692–1772). A contribution to the Lower Saxon literature of the 18th century . Hermann Eichblatt Verlag, Leipzig 1936.
  • Thomas Begerow: Caspar Friedrich Renner, † 1772 ... . In: Blätter der " Maus " , Issue 27, The graves in the Bremen St. Petri Cathedral . Bremen 2002, pp. 69-81.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Hans-Christoph Hoffmann: The Bremen Cathedral in the 17th and 18th Centuries, Stade 2015, pp. 299-303" acknowledges Renner's diverse work on the cathedral and its buildings.
  2. ^ "Hennink der Hahn. Freely translated from the old German original by Nic. Meyer, Bremen 1814 by Johann Georg Heyse, page VII-XII"