Catherine Swynford

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Catherine Swynford (also Katheryne or Kathrine , nee de Rouet ) LG (* around 1350 in Mony , Hainaut County , Flanders ; † May 10, 1403 in Lincoln ) was mistress and later wife of John of Gaunt , the fourth son of Edward III . of England and first Duke of Lancaster . She founded the Beaufort House with him .


Catherine Swynford was the daughter of a knight in Queen Philippa's retinue . Her father Payne Rouet went to England with her and her sister Philippa Roet after his mother died .

She was married to Hugh Swynford, the Lord of Kettlethorpe. She had four children:

  • Blanche Swynford (* 1367)
  • Thomas Swynford (1368-1432)
  • Margaret Swynford (* around 1369)
  • Dorothy Swynford

After the wedding, she followed her sister Philippa, who was at the court of Philippa von Hainaut, the wife of King Edward III. Lady-in-waiting was. Her sister was married to the poet Geoffrey Chaucer . Catherine Swynford had been a lady-in-waiting of Blanche of Lancaster , the wife of John of Gaunt, since 1365 at the latest . She later became governess of the two daughters Elisabeth and Philippa , sisters of the future King Henry IV of England .

After the death of his wife and Catherine Swynford's husband, who died in a battle near Bordeaux , John of Gaunt made her his mistress. For political reasons, however, he soon married Constance of Castile . Catherine Swynford continued to be his lover and gave birth to four children, all of whom he recognized as his:

In 1387 Catherine Swynford was inducted into the Order of the Garter as Lady of the Garter .

After Konstanze von Castile's death in 1394, John and Catherine married in 1396 with the consent of the Pope. The children out of wedlock up to then were declared marital by John of Gaunt's nephew, King Richard II . Officially excluded from the line of succession, the descendants later succeeded in ascending to the English and also the Scottish throne. The Tudor house goes back to John Beaufort's granddaughter Margaret Beaufort (1443–1509) .

John of Gaunt died on February 3, 1399 in Leicester Castle, after his death Catherine Swynford lived secluded in her house at Pottergate in Lincoln. She died there in 1403 and was buried in Lincoln Cathedral .