Catholic Youth Organization Nigeria

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Catholic Youth Organization Nigeria
(CYO Nigeria)
legal form Association of persons
founding 1985
motto Let your light shine
main emphasis Catholic Youth Association

Catholic Youth Organization Nigeria ( CYO Nigeria or CYON , German: "Catholic Youth Organization Nigeria") is a Catholic youth organization in Nigeria . At the international level, CYO Nigeria is a member of the international umbrella organization of Catholic youth organizations " Fimcap ".


CYO Nigeria was founded in 1985 to provide a nationwide youth association to young Catholics in Nigeria. CYO Nigeria developed against the background that the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) wanted young Catholics and local Catholic youth groups to celebrate the UN International Year of Youth (IYY) together. Several meetings were held with youth chaplains and youth leaders from the different dioceses of Nigeria to organize a first national meeting of Nigerian Catholic youth. From these national meetings, CYO Nigeria developed as the national umbrella organization for Catholic youth work in Nigeria. In 2010, at the general assembly in Munich, CYO Nigeria was accepted as a full member of the international umbrella organization of Catholic youth organizations "Fimcap". CYO Nigeria is currently building a cooperation with a Muslim youth association in order to contribute to peace and reconciliation in the country and to start an interreligious dialogue.


  • Workshops and seminars
  • National meetings and assemblies
  • Tent camp
  • Educational work
  • Cultural and sporting events
  • Exchange programs, excursions and pilgrimages
  • Retreats for young people, counseling offers

Individual evidence

  1. a b About US | Abuja Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria., accessed June 13, 2016 .
  2. a b Pray for insight., accessed on June 13, 2016 .
  3. CYO Nigeria., accessed June 13, 2016 .
  4. ^ Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria (CYON): HISTORY., accessed on June 13, 2016 .
  5. a b Fimcap LINK magazine 4/2010. (PDF) Retrieved June 13, 2016 .