Charles Chevalier

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Charles Chevalier (1862)
Horizontal Chevalier microscope from the 1830s.

Charles Louis Chevalier (born April 19, 1804 in Paris ; † November 21, 1859 there ) was a French optics engineer and photography pioneer .


Chevalier was the grandson of the optics engineer Louis-Vincent Chevalier , who founded the Maison Chevalier with a workshop for optical devices on the Quai de l'Horloge in Paris in 1760 and in particular developed an achromatic lens for microscopes , and the son of the optics engineer Vincent Chevalier . who continued the Maison Chevalier. Charles Chevalier joined the company in 1821. In 1823, father and son were the first to launch achromatic lenses on the market. They also improved the lenses for the camera lucida , which was used in painting . In 1825 Nicéphore Niépce asked for her help in improving his experimental photo studio . After a design by Giovanni Battista Amici , Charles Chevalier built a series of horizontal microscopes together with M. Selligue, which were awarded a gold medal at the Paris 8th Exposition des produits de l'industrie française in 1834 .

Lens by Charles Chevalier 1840 (Musée Nicéphore Niépce, Chalon-sur-Saône )

In 1831 Charles Chevalier separated from his father and founded his own workshop for the construction of microscopes in the Rue du Palais Royal with Camille-Sébastien Nachet as an apprentice. In 1834 he constructed the first achromatic microscope and introduced double lenses for telescopes . The daguerreotype sparked Chevalier's interest in photography . Around 1839 he developed the first photo lens. In 1841 he set up a corresponding workshop with Alphonse Plumier as an apprentice and worked on improving the photographic process. Louis Daguerre ordered lenses from him for his own cameras . After his father's death in 1841, he took over his father's company. The workshop on the Quai de l'Horloge was taken over by Pierre-Ambroise Richebourg , who had studied with Vincent Chevalier for 10 years. At the Paris industrial exhibition in 1849 , Charles Chevalier received a gold medal for daguerreotypes that had been taken with his lens by Sergei Levitsky ( portraits , group photos, landscape photos from Pyatigorsk ).

Charles Chevalier's son Arthur Chevalier (1830–1874) also became an optical engineer and continued his father's company, which was then closed in 1889.

Individual evidence

  1. Brockhaus-Efron : Шевалье (Шарль-Луи Chevalier).
  2. a b c d ШАРЛЬ-ЛУИ ШЕВАЛЬЕ (1804 - 1859) (accessed July 1, 2017).
  3. a b Sougez, ML; García Felguera, MA, Pérez Gallardo, H., Vega, C .: Historia general de la fotografía . 2nd Edition. Ediciones Cátedra, Madrid 2009, ISBN 978-84-376-2344-3 .
  4. Charles Chevalier: Des microscopes et de leur usage: Description d'appareils et de procédés nouveaux, suivie d'expériences microscopiques puisées dan les meilleurs ouvrages anciens et notes de M. Le Baillif, et d'un mémoire sur les diatomées, etc . de M. Brébisson - Manuel Complet du Micrographe . L'auteur & Crochard, 1839.
  5. Елена Афанасьева: Левицкий Сергей Львович (accessed June 29, 2017).