Charles Lallemand (illustrator)

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Martin Jacques Charles Lallemand (born November 30, 1826 in Strasbourg , † October 20, 1904 in Bordeaux ) was a French lawyer , journalist , draftsman , and painter .


Young Hotze with Hotzengun , illustration by J. Levy after Lallemand 1859
Fire ruins of the Dominican monastery in Strasbourg, illustration by J. Levy after Lallemand 1860

Charles Lallemand, with full baptismal name Charles Martin Jacques Lallemand, was born on November 30, 1826 in Strasbourg, then France. After studying law, Lallemand switched to journalism and worked as a freelancer for French and German newspapers such as the magazine pittoresque , Le Monde moderne , the Illustrierte Welt , Über Land und Meer and Das Waldheim . In 1860 Lallemand published costumes from Alsace and the Grand Duchy of Baden ( Les Paysans badois ), which he illustrated with prints from his own drawings. From 1861 to 1866, Lallemand published the Mercure de Bade (Strasbourg, Paris and Baden-Baden), a seasonal illustrated review aimed at the international public in Baden-Baden . From 1863 Lallemand worked with the English photographer Ludovico Wolfgang Hart , the writer Émile Solié and the Paris merchant and publisher Armand Varroquier (1829-?). Lallemand and his business partners planned to publish a universal photographic gallery of the national costumes and clothing that was disappearing. Within eight months, Lallemand and Hart traveled to Alsace, Baden, Württemberg and Switzerland in 1864 and created a basis of 200 photographs of everyday life and the festive days of the rural population. From January 1865, the recordings from the Vosges , the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Kingdom of Württemberg were made available to interested parties via the art trade as individual recordings or by subscription. The special attraction and value of the representations lies in the fact that the pictures, even if posed, were taken in their natural surroundings. The publications were intended as templates for artists and graphic designers. In their clarity and expressiveness, they differed significantly from the commercial productions of the time. Hart's photographs are incorrectly attributed to Lallemand in traditional Baden costume literature and on the art market. Part of the production was marketed separately as stereo cards. In the summer of 1865, Charles Lallemand and Ludovico Hart toured Syria and parts of Egypt . At the end of 1865 Lallemand and Hart published the results of the trip in a photo folder with 41 pictures in Paris. The Galerie universelle des peuples was closed in 1866 . Twenty recordings from the Baden and Black Forest series, plus one from Betzheim in Wurttemberg, were taken in Paris in 1866 by the Librairie du petit journal with invented titles and without any local reference to an illustrated entertainment volume entitled Le Forêt noire: études, impressions & voyages sur les bords du rhin without reference to the photographer Ludovico Hart.

Even before the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71, Lallemand moved to Bordeaux. From 1868 he published the illustrated journal Le Bordelais and other daily and weekly newspapers. Further publications followed in the 1890s with illustrations based on drawings by Lallemand from North Africa. Charles Lallemand died in Bordeaux in 1904, where he last edited the monthly La Vigne et le vin en Gironde .


  • Les Paysans Badois. Esquisse de moeurs et de coutumes. Texts et designs by Charles Lallemand , Strasbourg, Salomon. Libraire, Rue des Serruriers 31 (Typographie de G. Silbermann), 1860. Digitized
    • German edition: Black Forest folk costumes: sixteen original photos , Strasbourg, Schmidt, 1885 digitized
  • Guides internationaux illustrés. 2nd année. 1865. Londres. Paris-Vienne . Strasbourg: impr. de G. Silbermann, 1865.
  • Galerie universelle des peuples: Alsace , publiée par Charles Lallemand [et Hart et Émile Solié], with 16 photos, introductory text by Paul Ristelhuber, Strasbourg (9, rue des Grandes-Arcades), 1865.
  • Galerie universelle des peuples: Wurtemberg , Strasbourg: Bureau central de vente et d'abonnement, 1865.
  • Universelle des peuples gallery: Grandduché de Bade , published by Charles Lallemand [et Hart et Émile Solié]; Strasbourg (9, rue des Grandes-Arcades), 1865.
  • Galerie universelle des peuples: La Forêt noire , publiée par Charles Lallemand [et Hart et Émile Solié], introductory text by Émile Solié, Strasbourg (9, rue des Grandes-Arcades), 1865.
  • Gallery universal des peuples. / .I, Syrie , published by Charles Lallemand [et Hart et Émile Solié]; Strasbourg (9, rue des Grandes-Arcades), 1865.
  • Les richesses gastronomiques de la france. Les vins de bordeaux , Hetzel, 1868.
  • Guide to the Eiffel Tower: the only "guide" authorized by M. Eiffel , Paris, Imprimerie Brevetée Michels et fils, 8 et 10, passage du Caire, 8 et 10, 1890.
  • L'Ouest de l'Algérie . Réseaux exploités par la compagnie de l'Ouest-Algérien, lignes de l'Ouest-Algérien et de la Cie franco-algérienne, Paris, Challamel, 1891.
  • La Tunisie, pays de protectorat français , texte et dessins, par Charles Lallemand, Paris, Challamel, 1892.
  • D'Alger à Constantinople: Jérusalem-Damas . Ch. Lallemand, Paris, Librairies-imprimeries réunies, not dated.
  • Vingt jours à Tunis et en Tunisie : retour en France par Biskra et Constantine, Paris, May & Motteroz, 1893.
  • Le Caire, avec une préface de Pierre Loti , Alger, Gervais-Courtellemont, 1894.


  • Wolfgang Kuhlmann: He exchanged his robe for a brush and pen (Charles Lallemand, 1826–1904). In: The passage of light. - 36. 1986. - pp. 28-30.
  • Wolfgang Kuhlmann (Ed.): Charles Lallemand: The Baden Country People - Trachten and Customs from the Black Forest / Les paysans badois , Strasbourg, 1860. Reprint. Lahr / Black Forest, Schauenburg 1987, ISBN 3-7946-0238-2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Rundbrief Fotografie, volumes 6–7, Museumsverband Baden-Württemberg, 1999, p. 30
  2. ^ Dictionnaire de biographie des hommes célèbres de l'Alsace, Sitzmann, 1910, p. 91.