Charles Stanislas Marion

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Charles Stanislas Marion

Charles Stanislas Marion (born May 7, 1758 in Charmes , † September 7, 1812 in Borodino ) was a French général de brigade of the infantry .

Live and act

Marion was a son of André Marion and his wife Thérèse Bastien. At the age of eighteen, Marion joined the royal army in December 1776. He could soon be distinguished by bravery and changed at the beginning of the Revolution for National Guard .

With the rank of captain , Marion moved to the Rhine Army in 1793 and fought under General Armand-Louis de Gontaut, duc de Biron and others. a. near Rheindürckheim (March 30, 1793). During the First Coalition War he was stationed on the left bank of the Rhine for some time .

When Napoleon was planning his Italian campaign in 1796 , Marion joined his staff as an aide-de-camp . In addition to General Antoine Guillaume Delmas , Marion took part in several skirmishes: u. a. He fought on the Trebbia (June 17/19, 1799) and before Novi (August 25, 1799). There he was taken prisoner of war and was imprisoned in Fortezza del Priamar ( Savona ). During the preliminary talks on the Peace of Amiens (March 25/27, 1802) he was able to return to France.

Marion married Elisabeth Alpago (1775–1834) in Mantua and had two sons with her: Charles-Jean Victor (1801–1813) and Charles-Louis François (1803–1866).

On the staff of General Louis-Vincent-Joseph Le Blond, Comte de Saint-Hilaire , Marion took part in a number of campaigns against Prussia . When Napoleon planned his war against Russia in 1812 , Marion changed to the rank of general in his staff. He fought u. a. near Mogilev (July 23, 1812), Battle of Smolensk (August 17/18, 1812) and Borodino (September 7, 1812). In the latter, Marion was killed and found his final resting place on the edge of the battlefield in a mass grave.



  • Charles Mullié: Biography of the célébrités militaires des armées de terre et de mer de 1789 à 1850 . Poignavant, Paris 1851 (2 vols.).
  • Alain Pigeard: Dictionnaire de la Grande Armée . Tallandier, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-84734-009-2 .
  • Georges Six: Dictionnaire biographique des généraux & amiraux français de la Révolution et de l'Émpire. 1792-1814 . Saffroy, PAris 1999, ISBN 2-901541-06-2 (reprint of the Paris 1934 edition).
  • Digby Smith : The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book . Greenhill, London 1998, ISBN 1-85367-276-9 .
  • Jean Tulard : Napoléon et la noblesse d'Émpire . Tallandier, Paris 2001, ISBN 2-235-02302-9 .