Charlotte of Pazatka

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Charlotte v. Pazatka, photography by Erich Sellin, Berlin 1900

Charlotte Margarethe von Pazatka-Lipinski , married Baluschek ( November 18, 1878 in Berlin - April 28, 1969 there ) was a German theater actress .


Charlotte Margarethe von Pazatka-Lipinski was born on November 18, 1878 in the apartment of her parents - the master tailor Franz Heinrich Christian von Pazatka-Lipinski and Mathilde Johanne Sophie Friederike. Buhse - born at Sebastianstrasse 43 in Luisenstadt . She devoted herself to the stage out of love for art, which Max Grube awakened in her, and after briefly taking lessons from Gustav Kober . She found her first engagement after a joint audition with her friend Else Heims , who would later become Max Reinhardt's first wife , at the Berlin theater in 1895 . The theater critics soon predicted a promising career for her. The Berliner Boersen-Zeitung wrote on September 25, 1898 her acting: "She's a great talent and is expected once the glory of Agnes Sorma reach". In 1900 she joined the association of the newly founded Schauspielhaus Hamburg .

There she was part of the ensemble until her marriage. She played numerous roles in Berlin and Hamburg , for example in Midsummer Night's Dream , the Maid of Orleans , in Romeo and Juliet and later Gretchen in Faust , Luise in Cabal and Love , the title role in Käthchen von Heilbronn , but also embodied modern female characters.

In 1902 Charlotte married the painter and writer Hans Baluschek , whom she had met a few years earlier through his connections to the world of theater. In 1900 he created a painted declaration of love for her in the form of a fairy tale picture, on which he himself, as an elf knight, presented a rose with her facial features to a lady. Together they moved into a house on Klopstockstrasse in Berlin-Tiergarten . However, the marriage was unsatisfactory and they divorced in 1913 without children . Charlotte Baluschek did not continue her theater career after the marriage.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Birth certificate StA Berlin VI No. 3580/1878 .