Chico (dog)

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Chico (* approx. 2010; † April 16, 2018 in Hanover ) was a Staffordshire hybrid who bit the 27-year-old dog owner and his 52-year-old mother to death in Hanover at the beginning of April 2018. The case aroused media interest throughout Germany; The case was also reported abroad. In the social media hundreds of thousands of people for the life of the dog entered, the still euthanized was.


In 2010 the then 19-year-old owner bought Chico. Even as a puppy , the dog is said to have been very agile. At the age of one, Chico was presented to a dog trainer because of increased aggressiveness , who described the owner as overwhelmed in her report to the veterinary office and recommended that the dog only be allowed outside on a leash and with a muzzle.

Despite repeated requests, the owner did not appear with Chico at the veterinary office in 2011. There were repeated complaints to the landlord about the noise emanating from the owner's apartment. In 2014 and 2016 an animal welfare inspector came by who could not find any deficiencies. Chico was duly reported and healthy.

On April 3, 2018, one of the dog owner's sisters saw a lifeless body lying on the floor through the apartment window. The fire department broke into the apartment and found the two corpses covered in blood. Chico was captured and taken to a shelter . When the animal shelter manager declared that he did not give the animal much chance, he was hit with a shit storm on Facebook and via email and threatened. The city and the public prosecutor's office also received threats.

On April 7, 2018, there was a break-in attempt at the shelter to free Chico. In Hanover, the slogan #FreeChico was used to demonstrate Chico's freedom. On the cyber activism - platform one was online petition to make a bid, Chico alive, signed by about 300,000 people.

On April 11, 2018, experts from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover ordered a computed tomography examination of a swelling in Chico's jaw, the costs should be borne by the city. On April 16, 2018, Chico was examined at the Veterinary College; for this he was put under anesthesia. Due to serious injuries to the jaw, the veterinary authority decided “in agreement with the University of Veterinary Medicine, the Tierschutzverein Hannover und Umgebung e. V. and the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection “to put Chico to sleep while still under anesthesia.

On April 22, 2018, around 80 people gathered in Hanover for a vigil and subsequent demo for Chico. The slogan "he is our hero, our freedom fighter, he is Chico Guevara" found media coverage across the country. The authorities were accused of murder, and employees received death threats. Conspiracy theories surfaced on the internet .

At the beginning of September 2018, those responsible for failures at the veterinary office were “entrusted with other official tasks”.

Individual evidence

  1. Kate Connolly: German dog that killed owners may not be put down after outcry . The Guardian , April 9, 2018 (English)
  2. a b c d Alard von Kittlitz: Hundeleben . Die Zeit N ° 17, April 19, 2018, pages 58–59 ( online )
  3. a b c d e Chronicle: What happened when in the “Chico” case? NDR .de, April 17, 2018
  4. Laura Hertreiter: After a fatal attack: Chico is dead . Süddeutsche .de, April 16, 2018
  5. University expert examines dog "Chico" after a fatal attack ( memento from July 23, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) . BR .de, April 12, 2018
  6. ^ Félice Gritti: Vigil for dog Chico. "Our hero, our freedom fighter" . Spiegel Online , April 23, 2018
  7. Hanover: Death threats after the dog Chico was put to sleep . Spiegel Online , April 18, 2018
  8. Bite attack by "Chico" has consequences ,, September 5, 2018