Chiloe archipelago

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Chiloe archipelago
Waters Pacific Ocean
Geographical location 42 ° 36 ′  S , 73 ° 57 ′  W Coordinates: 42 ° 36 ′  S , 73 ° 57 ′  W
Chiloe Archipelago (Los Lagos)
Chiloe archipelago
Number of islands 42
Main island Chiloe
Total land area 9181 km²
Residents 154,766 (2002)

The Chiloé Archipelago ( Spanish Archipiélago de Chiloé ) is a group of islands in the Región de los Lagos in Chile . The Chacao Canal separates Chiloé in the north from the mainland, the Chiloé Sea in the east and the Gulf of Corcovado in the southeast. The whole archipelago, with the exception of the Desertores Islands , which belong to the province of Palena , together with the island of Guafo ( Spanish Isla Guafo ) form the province of Chiloé .


Topographic map

The archipelago comprises 42 islands, has a total area of ​​9,181 km² and a population of 154,766 inhabitants (2002). The main island of the archipelago is Chiloé ( Spanish Isla Grande de Chiloé ; 8,394 km²), the next largest islands are Quinchao , Lemuy and Talcán . Geomorphologically, the archipelago is part of the Cordillera de la Costa . The islands are criss-crossed by numerous canals.

The annual average temperature is around 11 ° C, the annual precipitation is around 2000 mm in the east, around 3000 mm in the west of the main island, and up to 4000 mm in the Cordillera del Piuchén .

Flora and fauna

The original vegetation of the archipelago is known as the Valdivian rainforest , and the native fauna includes numerous species of birds. Characteristic land mammals are the Darwin fox and the pudu . The waters around the archipelago are inhabited by sea lions, Commerson dolphins and blue whales , among others . Several species are considered endemic to the archipelago.


Achao Church

Chiloé is known for its folklore, mythology, cuisine and unique architecture . 2000 a part of the typical wooden churches of the archipelago was in the World Heritage Site of UNESCO added:

The Chiloé potatoes - over 400 types of potatoes thrive on the archipelago - are at the heart of Chilotic cuisine. The Spanish chilotische kept some archaisms and contains many of the Huilliche dialect of Mapudungun concepts taken.

Web links

Commons : Chiloé Archipelago  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Entry on the UNESCO World Heritage Center website ( English and French ).