Christa Mulack

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Christa Mulack (born October 30, 1943 in Hamburg ; † July 22, 2021 ) was a German feminist theologian , educator and author. She saw herself as a critic of patriarchy .


After an apprenticeship at Sparkasse Hamburg, Mulack studied theology, psychology, sociology and education. While teaching at a grammar school, she received her doctorate in 1982. From 1984 Mulack worked as a freelance writer and lecturer. She held teaching positions in feminist theology at several universities and church colleges.


With her dissertation The Femininity of God (1983) Christa Mulack became known as a feminist theologian. Building on this, followed Mary - the secret goddess in Christianity (1985) and Jesus - the anointed of women (1987). In choosing her theoretical and methodological instruments, she relied on the gender typology of CG Jung and the Kabbalah .

In her work, Mulack attempted to free the Bible from the patriarchal overwriting of the last 2000 years. She retained the Christian symbols, wanted to reform Christianity in a feminist way and to reconstruct a matriarchy from the original source of the Bible by hypothetically reconstructing matriarchal traces of earlier traditions in a text and ideology-critical manner. For her, Jesus is the prototype of the anima-integrated man and matriarchal human being and stands at the interface between matriarchy and patriarchy .

"With this re-establishment of the image of the mother and her son-lover, which pervades all religions over a long period of time, Jesus ties in with the matriarchal world in which the idea was shaped."

- Christa Mulack

In this interpretation, Mulack understood in Jesus - The Anointed of Women Mary Magdalene as goddess and Jesus as her "son-lover". According to their reading, the stories of the anointing in the New Testament show clear parallels to rituals around the Magna Mater and her hero , as postulated by Heide Göttner-Abendroth as a basic pattern of matriarchal religions.

In her thematically different book … and I feel guilty again (1993), Mulack devoted herself to coming to terms with the feelings of guilt that are allegedly typical of women and to which she ascribes social causes.

In Klara Hitler - Muttersein im Patriarchat (2005) she described the patriarchal family as the “stirrup holder of the Third Reich” and Klara Hitler as the prototype of a patriarchal mother.


Christa Mulack judged Christianity from a revisionist point of view, according to which traces of the spiritual-feminine content of the religion had been suppressed. Male theologians in particular, however, reject these theses. In addition, a general accusation of anti-Semitism is raised against Mulack's interpretation of the Bible and criticism of the Bible, which also allows itself to question dogmatic narratives that concern ancient Judaism. The accusation was also made against other patriarchal critics such as Gerda Weiler and Elga Sorge and relates in particular to Mulack's thesis that the forcible change from the worship of originally matriarchal female deities to the imposed image of the monotheistic father god in the Abrahamic religions was due to ancient Judaism .


  • The femininity of God. Matriarchal prerequisites for the image of God . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1983; 6. A. ibid. 1992, ISBN 3-7831-0701-6 (= Diss. Uni Dortmund)
  • Maria - the secret goddess in Christianity . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1985; Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2005, ISBN 3-935937-24-5
  • Jesus - the anointed of women. Femininity as the basis of Christian ethics . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1987; 2. A. ibid. 1990, ISBN 3-7831-0875-6
  • In the beginning was wisdom. The rediscovery of a female image of God . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1988; Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2004, ISBN 3-935937-15-6
  • Naturally female. The homelessness of women in patriarchy . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1990; Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2004, ISBN 3-935937-28-8
  • ... and again I feel guilty. Cause and solution to a female problem . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1993; Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2008, ISBN 978-3-935937-58-0
  • The girl with no hands. How a daughter frees herself from the father's violence . Kreuz, Zurich 1995, ISBN 3-268-00176-9 (series "Wisdom in Fairy Tales")
  • The roots of female power . Kösel, Munich 1996; Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2006, ISBN 3-935937-43-1
  • Religion is too important to be left to men. The goddess returns . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-7831-1603-1
  • In the footsteps of the goddess, 1992, I SBN 3929274019
  • Something so unimaginable. Sexual abuse and mothers' silence . Kreuz, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-7831-1682-1
  • Klara Hitler. Motherhood in patriarchy . Göttert, Rüsselsheim 2005, ISBN 3-9224-9980-5
  • The maternity fraud. From worthlessness to the added value of being a mother . Web site, Ebersdorf 2006, ISBN 3-9359-8272-0
  • Mary Magdalene. Apostle of the Apostles - the woman who knows the universe . Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2007, ISBN 978-3-935937-50-4
  • He embezzled Jesus. Jesus' message of the “kingdom of the queen” . Pomaska-Brand, Schalksmühle 2009, ISBN 978-3-935937-62-7
  • Violence in the name of God. Causes and Backgrounds in Biblical Monotheism . Tectum, Marburg 2016, ISBN 978-3-8288-3641-9
  • Anti-Semitism and misogyny. Two sides of the same coin and their biblical origin . Technical book BoD 2021, ISBN 978-3-7534-7417-5


  • Peter Godzik : Jesus or the laborious learning of the man , in: ders .: Adult faith. Insights into life , Rosengarten b. Hamburg: Steinmann 2018, ISBN 978-3-927043-70-1 , pp. 71-76.
  • Cornelia Giese-Mulack (ed.): Christa Mulack: My moving life . Biography BoD 2021, ISBN 978-3-7534-7416-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Christel Göttert: Christa Mulack. July 31, 2021, accessed on August 3, 2021 (German).
  2. Meret Fehlmann: The speech of matriarchy. To the history of use of an argument . Zurich 2011, ISBN 978-3-0340-1067-2 , p. 243.
  3. Helga Laugsch: The Matriarchy Discourse (in) of the Second German Women's Movement , Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-8316-4132-1 , pp. 182-186.
  4. Christa Mulack: The Femininity of God . 1983, p. 91 (quoted in Meret Fehlmann, p. 245).
  5. Meret Fehlmann: Die Rede vom Matriarchat , p. 245.
  6. Christa Mulack: ... and again I feel guilty. Cause and solution of a female problem , Kreuz-Verlag, first edition. 1993, ISBN 3-7831-1259-1 .
  7. Uschi Madeisky in the magazine from 40 (1/2006), text online on the website of Christel-Göttert-Verlag.
  8. E.g. Susanne Heine : The Feminist Defamation of the Jews , in: Kohn-Ley, Korotin (ed.): The feminist “Fall of Sins”? Anti-Semitic prejudices in the women's movement . Vienna 1994, p. 32ff.
  9. Felix Wiedmann: Racial mother and rebel . Würzburg 2007, section on Christa Mulack p. 274 ff.