Christa Tobler

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Christa Tobler (born February 22, 1961 in Brugg AG ) is a Swiss legal scholar .


After attending school in Schaffhausen (1969–1970), Bern (1970–1977) and Winterthur (1977–1980), she obtained the Matura (type B) at the Rychenberg grammar school in Winterthur. She completed her law studies at the University of Zurich in 1985 with a licentiate and in 1988 with a doctorate on the subject of "Suitability analysis of the differentiation criteria in trademark law ".

After completing her dissertation and an eight-month research stay at the Institute for Comparative Law at Kyoto University, Christa Tobler took up a position at the District Court of Winterthur, where she initially worked as an auditor and later as a court secretary. She then worked as a lawyer in Winterthur and was a lecturer at the University of Zurich (Department of Private Law). In the spring of 1994 she was the Winning Advocate General in the European Law Moot Court competition. After an internship at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (today: the European Union) in Luxembourg, Christa Tobler took part in an interdisciplinary research project at the European University Institute in Florence on the subject of "Gender and the Use of Time" (European Forum , Jean Monnet Fellow). In August 1995 she became the academic coordinator of the Leiden LL.M. Programs in EC Law (until August 2002). From 1998 to 2000 she taught gender law at the University of Basel. In October 2000 Tobler became an assistant professor at the European Institute at the University of Basel.

Today Tobler is full professor for the law of European integration at the Europe Institute of the University of Basel (since October 1st, 2005) and professor for European law at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands (since April 1st, 2007). In Leiden she mainly teaches in the legal postgraduate course in Adv. Studies in European Business Law, of which she is the academic director. Christa Tobler is a regular judge of the European Law Moot Court Competition. In 2008 she was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Academy of European Law (ERA). The New European Movement Switzerland has awarded Christa Tobler the 2013 Europe Prize.

Christa Tobler's academic work focuses on European law , in particular questions of legal equality in EU law (both in business law and in social law ). Another focus is on the legal relationship between Switzerland and the EU (so-called bilateral law).

Publications (selection)

  • Suitability analysis of the differentiation criteria in trademark law . Diss. Univ. Zurich. Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel / Frankfurt a. M. 1990.
  • Indirect Discrimination. A Case Study into the Development of the Legal Concept of Indirect Discrimination under EC Law . Habilitation thesis. Intersentia, Antwerp / Oxford 2005.
  • with Jeroen Hardenbol and Balázs Mellár: Internal Market beyond the EU: EEA and Switzerland . European Parliament, Brussels 2010. ( pdf )
  • with Jacques Beglinger: Basics of bilateral (commercial) law Switzerland - EU. Systematic presentation in text and tables . 2 volumes. Dike, Zurich / St. Gallen 2013.
  • with Jacques Beglinger: Essential EU Law in Charts. 298 charts and diagrams for teaching, legal advice, knowledge assessment . 4th edition. HVG-Orac, Budapest 2018.
  • with Jacques Beglinger: Essential EU Law in text. Companion publication to Tobler Christa / Beglinger Jacques, Essential EU Law in Charts . 4th edition. HVG-Orac, Budapest 2018.
  • with Jacques Beglinger: Breviary on the institutional framework agreement between Switzerland and the EU. Online publication 2018. ( Download )
  • The Prohibition of Discrimination in the Union's Layered System of Equality Law. From Early Staff Cases to the Mangold Approach. In: The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe. Analyzes and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law (Official commemorative publication of the European Court of Justice on the occasion of its 60th anniversary) Asser, The Hague 2013.
  • One of Many Challenges After 'Brexit'. The Institutional Framework of an Alternative Agreement - Lessons from Switzerland and Elsewhere? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 2016, 575–594.
  • Introducing Visualization Into the Assessment of Learning in Legal Studies', in: Paul Bartholomew / John Branch / Claus Nygaard (eds), Assessing Learning in Higher Education , The Learning in Higher Education Series. Faringdon: Libri Publishing 2016, 59–86.
  • Dispute Resolution under the EEA Agreement ', in: Carl Baudenbacher (ed), The Handbook of EEA Law . Cham: Springer 2015, 195–207.
  • Context-related Interpretation of Association Agreements. The Polydor Principle in a Comparative Perspective: EEA Law, Ankara Association Law and Market Access Agreements between Switzerland and the EU in: Daniel Thym / Margarite Zoetewij-Turhan (eds), Rights of Third-Country Nationals under EU Association Agreements. Degrees of Free Movement and Citizenship . Leiden: Brill / Nijhoff 2015, 101–126.
  • EU Age Discrimination Law and Older and Younger Workers: Court of Justice of the European Union Case Law Development, in: Ann Numhauser-Henning / Mia Rönnmar (eds), Age Discrimination and Labor Law. Comparative and Conceptual Perspectives in the EU and Beyond . Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer 2015, 93–113.
  • Equality and Non-Discrimination under the ECHR and EU Law. A Comparison Focusing on Discrimination against LGBTI Persons, Journal for Foreign Public Law and International Law 2014, 521–561.


Individual evidence

  1. Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler Professor of European Law European Institute at the University of Basel Accessed May 18, 2020
  2. Current ECJ case law on discrimination in EU labor law - e-Presentation by Christa Tobler Accessed May 18, 2020

Web links