Christel Bienstein

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Christel Bienstein (born December 26, 1951 ) is a German nursing scientist . From 1994 to 2017, Bienstein headed the Institute for Nursing Science at the Private University of Witten / Herdecke .


After training as a nurse and a few years of professional experience, Bienstein studied pedagogy. After completing her studies, she took over the management of the training center of the German professional association for nursing professions in Essen . Together with Andreas D. Fröhlich , she transferred his concept of basal stimulation to nursing. From 1994 to 2017, Bienstein headed the Institute for Nursing Science at the Private University of Witten / Herdecke as an honorary professor (then temporarily until a successor was appointed). In 2003 Bienstein also received an honorary professorship at the University of Bremen . In June 2004, Bienstein was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for her services to nursing science .

In 1985, Bienstein translated the Norton scale into German and expanded it by four points. In addition, she developed a breathing scale for assessing the risk of pneumonia and popularized the breath- stimulating rub .

On June 23, 2012 she was elected President of the German Professional Association for Nursing Professions (DBfK) in Berlin and re-elected on June 18, 2016.

Publications (selection)

  • with Johann S. Schwegler: Man. Anatomy and physiology ; Thieme-Verlag, 1996; ISBN 3131001518
  • with Gerhard Schröder, Gerd Klein: breathing ; Thieme-Verlag, 2000; ISBN 3131181311
  • with Gerhard Schröder, Michael Braun (eds.): Decubitus. Challenge for caregivers ; Dbfk Vlg Nursing, 2000; ISBN 3927944165
  • with Andreas D. Fröhlich: basal stimulation in care ; Kallmeyer, 2003; ISBN 3780040018
  • with Johannes Hallauer, Ursula Lehr and Hannelore Rönsch : SÄVIP - study on medical care in nursing homes ; Vincentz Network, 2005; ISBN 3878701381

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. | WAZ contribution "Nursing Popess" Prof. Christel Bienstein is retiring on May 23, 2017
  2. High honor for pioneer in nursing science , accessed on March 17, 2009