Christian Friedrich Ludwig Albinus

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Christian Friedrich Ludwig Albinus (born June 10, 1771 in Bevensen ; † July 5, 1837 in Lauenburg / Elbe ) was a high-ranking customs officer (councilor) in Lauenburg. He took care of people in need, founded a savings and loan fund in the Duchy of Lauenburg and is known as a philanthropist and patron . He particularly took care of the training of young people.


Albinus' father Samuel Theodor Albinus was a pastor in Bevensen. After finishing school in Bevensen, his son Christian Friedrich Ludwig attended the polytechnic military school in Hanover from 1787 to 1789 . In 1795 he became a customs clerk in Lauenburg, was given the title of chamber councilor in 1828 and was appointed councilor of justice in 1835.

In 1797 his daughter Christiane Sophie was born. Albinus was not married to his mother, Sophia Dahm from Lauenburg. In 1808 he married Adolphine von Scriba, the marriage remained childless and the couple lived apart until Albinus' death. Albinus had meanwhile legitimized his daughter from the relationship with Sophia Dahm.

At the time of the French occupation (1803-1813) Albinus worked as a French customs administrator. When the Duchy of Lauenburg fell to Denmark in 1816 , he became a Danish civil servant. In 1813 he bought a plot of land on the Elbe slope and had a spacious house built on it in 1822 (Albinusstrasse 26), which he and his daughter moved into. In 1819 Albinus founded the Society of Voluntary Poor Friends in Lauenburg together with the Lauenburg pastor JA Uhthoff and other dignitaries of the city . A year later he set up the first savings bank in the duchy.

The establishment of a trade school became the main goal of Albinus in the years to come. It was to be financed from surpluses of the savings bank and from a private foundation into which Albinus and his daughter contributed their entire fortune. Albinus died in 1837 and was buried in the house garden at his request.


In the course of time, the well-read Albinus had amassed a rich library that comprised over 1200 volumes. In addition to classics such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , Friedrich Schiller , Christoph Martin Wieland , and Johann Gottfried Herder, these included many natural science books as well as the necessary specialist and non-fiction literature. Albinus also valued music, he played the piano and sang. The philanthropists Joachim Heinrich Campe , Christian Gotthilf Salzmann and Johann Bernhard Basedow had a great influence on Albinus ; Their main goals were welfare for the poor , the establishment of savings banks and vocational schools; Albinus made these goals his own for his life's work.

Poor relief

Since 1818 Albinus was particularly concerned with caring for the poor, took care of their situation improvement and founded the society of voluntary poor friends. The “Poor Friends” maintained an aid fund to help poor people in emergencies. They committed themselves with donations and personal commitment. Albinus was chairman of the company and accounting officer of the relief fund.

Establishment of the Spar- und Leihe-Casse

The first savings bank was founded in Kiel in 1796 . Albinus took this founding as an opportunity to strive to found a savings bank in Lauenburg as well, with which he pursued three goals: The citizen was to be educated to be responsible for himself and to be relieved of the pressure of financial hardships. Finally, the general public should also benefit from this, as it could largely be freed from the task of caring for the poor.

First, however, it was important to anchor the idea of ​​frugality in the people affected, to get them to carry their small surpluses to a savings bank. In 1820 the first savings bank of the district was finally founded in Lauenburg, it was opened in 1822, and Albinus was its first accounting officer. There was no special room for this savings bank, business activities took place once a week in Albinus' house. The poor relief fund continued to exist and Albinus managed it until his death.

"Lauenburgs non-profit foundation" (Albinus Foundation)

The philanthropists called for a “sensible and natural” upbringing, and schools should be more oriented towards professional life. Albinus planned such a school for Lauenburg, he founded “Lauenburgs charitable foundation ” to finance this project . It should be a school for young people who have already worked as apprentices or journeyman for a master. Girls should also be able to attend this school.

Albinus brought all his belongings into this foundation: his capital, his house, furniture, his library and his property. The "inseparable" link with the savings and loan fund was determined to the effect that the surplus of the fund should flow into the foundation. In February 1834 the Danish King Friedrich VI confirmed. the foundation including the savings bank clause, he also fulfills Albinus' wish to transfer the supervision of the foundation to the royal government in Ratzeburg.

Albinus regarded his foundation as a "seed" and so the Sparkasse der Stadt Lauenburg emerged from the savings and loan bank in 1901, and in 1939 it was merged with other banks to form the "Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg".

School founded in Lauenburg

In 1865, the foundation established a trade school and a secondary school in Lauenburg. The house of the founder served as the school building for both schools until the Realschule was able to move into the new building (Albinusstraße 24) in 1872. From 1865 to 2008 the secondary school, which was passed into the sponsorship of the city of Lauenburg in April 1900, bore the name of the founder.


Albinus endeavored to provide suitable young people with a high level of education as the basis for an economically secure, independent life. So he also planned the lesson content that seemed important to him for this goal: practical skills should be underpinned by solid background knowledge, but the development of responsible fellow human beings should not be neglected. He also thought - ahead of his time - of the education of girls, who at that time were usually condemned to ignorance, poverty and dependency due to a lack of education.

The Albinus Realschule (1865-2008)

The Albinus School was founded on the basis of a private foundation and under the direction of a board of trustees in 1865 as a "Realschule". At that time, this designation was understood to be a special type of higher education.

In today's sense, the Albinus School was a partial high school that released its students after three pre-school and 6 ascending high school classes. In 1900 the educational institution was closed due to the decline in the number of students, and immediately reopened and continued as a municipal middle school.

The school was housed in the original main building on Albinusstraße until the move to the new building built in 1964 on the Hasenberg. The Pestalozzi School continued to use the old building until 2007. The new school building was erected in 1964 and 1975 in two construction phases on the Hasenberg and was architecturally, but not organizationally, attached to the secondary school that was built there in the 1950s. The Lauenburg Community School was the only secondary school in Lauenburg to emerge from the Albinus Realschule, the Hasenberg Secondary School and the former Pestalozzi School due to a change in the school law (discontinuation of the Realschulen) and the city council resolution.

The Albinus Community School (since 2009)

The community school with the support center part of the city of Lauenburg in Lauenburg has existed since August 1st, 2008. It combines the previously independent schools Albinus-Realschule, Hauptschule Hasenberg and the support center. On September 1, 2008, the school was officially opened in a ceremony, 137 pupils were accepted into the six new 5th grades of the community school. The former Real and Hauptschule pupils visit the community school on the "expiring trains" of the Real or Hauptschule, which grows up from below. On March 25, 2009, the city council decided at the request of the school conference, with two abstentions, to put the name "Albinus" in front of the new community school.

Albinus' philosophy and pedagogy

A core idea of ​​modern pedagogy - namely the principle “Help yourself” - was part of the foundation for school and teaching for Albinus: Pupils should be put in a position to help themselves; The task of the teachers should be to provide assistance, advice and the provision of material.

Furthermore, according to Albinus, students should be educated about social behavior within society and help others. Albinus sees the human being in his overall social responsibility; he is not a lone fighter, but responsible for the community.


  • Lecture on the 150th anniversary of the death of CFL Albinus . Realschulkonrektor a. D. Werner Kastner, Lauenburg, o.A.
  • Program . Lauenburg 1877–1885 ( digitized program of the Albinus School)
  • Annual report of the high school in Lauenburg in Pomerania . Lauenburg 1907–1915 ( digitized version )
  • W. Kastner: The Albinus School (1865-1902) . In: Lauenburg homeland . Ratzeburg 1986, issue 115
  • W. Kastner: The Albinus School (1900-1945) . In: Lauenburg homeland . Ratzeburg 1987, issue 118
  • W. Kastner: The society of voluntary poor friends in Lauenburg / Elbe ... In: Lauenburgische Heimat . Ratzeburg 1989, issue 125
  • W. Kastner: The development of the Lauenburger Spar- und Leihkasse and the Albinus Foundation . In: Lauenburg homeland . Ratzeburg 1991, issue 129
  • Biographical lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Neumünster 1994

Individual evidence

  1. school