Christian Heinrich Siebold

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Christian Heinrich Siebold (born June 11, 1806 in Kassel , † February 16, 1876 in Aschaffenburg ) was a German court gardener.

Christian Heinrich Siebold monument, Schönbusch Park, Aschaffenburg


Christian Heinrich was the son of the electoral geometer Peter Siebold and his wife Katharina Elisabeth. Initially active in the Jäger commercial nursery in Hanau in 1825 , his path led him to Munich as early as 1826 , where he was employed as an assistant in the royal gardens of Nymphenburg Palace . In 1829 he entered the service of Prince Carl Philipp von Wrede and was henceforth responsible for the Ellingen Castle Park . Here he met his future wife Maria Theresia Winkler, who also worked at the Fürstenhof. The marriage with her in 1835 resulted in three daughters and a son, who, however, died as an infant. In 1834, Siebold was appointed royal court gardener by King Ludwig I (Bavaria) and at the same time appointed to Ansbach to look after the palace gardens there. From 1845/46 he worked in the Schönbusch Park in Aschaffenburg. He worked there as court gardener for over 30 years, until his death in 1876.


Siebold was active as a court gardener and botanist. He was responsible for the botanical restoration of the court garden of the Ansbach residence . In Aschaffenburg he introduced flower planting in the form of so-called carpet beds .


The Hanau art and commercial gardener Carl Schulz named an Amaryllis variety after him:

“Hofgaertner Siebold. Lively mennigroth with a velvety sheen, dark red veins and green median stripes. "

After Siebold's death in 1876, the Aschaffenburg Beautification Association asked King Ludwig II (Bavaria) for a memorial for the deceased. The request was approved and the court sculptor Michael Wagmüller was commissioned with the execution. In 1880 the monument in Schönbusch Park was ceremoniously unveiled by the Bavarian court garden director Carl von Effner .

His grave in the old town cemetery has been preserved as an honorary grave by the city of Aschaffenburg since 2012.


  • Elisabeth Schröder: Life and work of the court gardener Christian Heinrich Siebold (1806-1876). In: Heinrich Fußbahn (Hrsg.): Aschaffenburger yearbook for history, regional studies and art of the Untermaing area. Volume 31, Aschaffenburg 2016, pp. 279-330.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Neubert: German magazine for gardening and flower science - magazine for garden and flower friends, and gardeners, Volume 13, Stuttgart, year 1860, p. 335.