Christian Olearius

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Christian Olearius (born May 4, 1942 in the Silesian town of Oberglogau ) is a German banker, was spokesman for the shareholders of the Hamburg-based private bank MMWarburg & CO from 1986 to 2014 and was chairman of the supervisory board there until the end of 2019.

Life and professional history

After childhood and attended school in East Friesland studied Olearius Law in Heidelberg , where he a member of the non-beating, Christian fraternity Heidelberger Wingolf was, in Berlin and in Goettingen , where in 1968 received his doctorate with the theme The liability of the licensor in the commercial and technical legal Dr. iur.

He began his banking career in 1969 at the Braunschweigische Staatsbank . In 1971 he moved to Bremer Landesbank Kreditanstalt Oldenburg , where he was responsible for corporate banking as director. He later rose to the board of the Norddeutsche Landesbank . Finally, Olearius was founded in 1986 by Max M. Warburg jr. Brought to the Hamburg private bank MMWarburg & CO, there personally liable partner and spokesman for the partners.

Under his leadership, the bank grew continuously - in 1997 the Hallbaum bank in Hanover, the private bank Marcard, Stein & Co from Hamburg in 1998, the Carl F. Plump & Co. bank in Bremen in 1999 and the Berlin private bank Löbbecke in the Warburg banking group in 2003 integrated. Degussa Bank , which was acquired in 2007, was spun off into an independent holding company in 2011 and parts of the Wölbern & Co. bank were acquired in 2009 . Schwäbische Bank AG , based in Stuttgart, has also been part of the Warburg banking group since 2009 .

In 2008, together with Senator Wolfgang Peiner , he coordinated the Albert Ballin consortium , which had come together to acquire and thus save the old Hamburg shipping company Hapag-Lloyd from TUI AG .

In 2009 he brought his son Joachim Olearius into the management team, who followed him on July 1, 2014 as spokesman for the shareholders. Christian Olearius switched to the supervisory board and became its chairman.

Cum-ex scandal

Olearius is accused of having played a major role in CumEx transactions with Warburg Bank in cooperation with bankers Paul Robert Mora and Hanno Berger , in which the state is said to have lost millions through the reimbursement of taxes not paid at all.

In March 2018, tax investigators searched the private properties of Christian Olearius and his son Joachim Olearius as well as, after the searches carried out in 2016, a second time at MMWarburg & CO .

Honorary positions

Olearius is chairman of the board of the Warburg-Melchior-Olearius-Foundation. He is u. a. Member of the boards of trustees of the Elbphilharmonie Foundation , the Humboldt University Foundation and the Joachim Herz Foundation . For his longstanding membership in and services to the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce , he was awarded the Chamber of Commerce badge of honor in 2006.


  • The liability of the licensor in industrial and technical legal protection , Univ. Dissertation 1968, Göttingen
  • Olearius as editor with Karen Michels : Aby Warburg: Im Bannkreis der Ideen , Beck-Verlag 2007
  • Olearius with Bernd Thiemann : Banking Crisis - Infirmity with System , Issue 14 of Observations at the Time, Warburg 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Warburg supervisory boards bow to pressure from the Bafin. In: Manager Magazin . November 25, 2019, accessed February 18, 2020 .
  2. Article in the Hamburger Abendblatt from June 25, 2014
  3. ^ The biggest tax robbery in German history , Lutz Ackermann, Benedikt Becker, Manuel Daubenberger, Philip Faigle, Karsten Polke-Majewski, Felix Rohrbeck, Christian Salewski, Oliver Schröm, Die Zeit , June 8, 2017
  4. Oliver Hollenstein, Christian Salewski, Oliver Schröm: The gift of millions . In: The time . No. 8/2020 , February 13, 2020, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed February 13, 2020]).
  5. CORRECTIV: “Coup of the century - attack on Europe's taxpayers” (HD, Panorama on #CumExFiles). October 19, 2018, accessed October 20, 2018 .
  7. Chamber of Commerce Topics of the Month from January 2006