Christian Schneider (chemist)

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Christian Schneider during the Nuremberg Trials

Christian Schneider (born November 19, 1887 in Kulmbach ; † May 5, 1972 in Ziegelhausen near Heidelberg ) was a German chemist , industrial manager and military economic leader during the Nazi era .


Schneider, the son of an electrician, attended school in Kulmbach and Nuremberg . From 1907 he studied chemistry at the University of Erlangen , where he became a member of the Germania Erlangen fraternity in 1907 . It was after graduation with the thesis of the same action of Benzanilidimidchlorid hydrazine and derivatives PhD . He then worked briefly at the Bergakademie in Freiberg . Schneider became a chemist at the Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik ( BASF AG ) in 1912 . As a soldier, Schneider participated in the First World War . From May 1919 he worked for Ammoniakwerke Merseburg GmbH and in 1936 he became operator of the Leunawerke . Two years later he rose to the board of IG Farben .

Schneider was a supporting member of the SS and joined the NSDAP in 1937 . At the Wehrmacht switching center at the company's headquarters, he became the chief defense officer against industrial espionage and from 1941 a military manager . From 1939 he was the main plant manager at IG Farben and therefore also responsible for the staff at IG Farben production in Auschwitz-Monowitz .

Schneider was arrested after the end of the war and charged with looting, enslavement and membership in the SS in the IG Farben trial . On July 30, 1948, he was acquitted on all charges against him.

In the Brown Book , with which the GDR propagandistically denounced “war and Nazi criminals” in the Federal Republic in 1965, Schneider is listed as a member of the supervisory board of Süddeutsche Kalistickstoff-Werke AG in Trostberg for the post-war period .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wollheim Memorial - Christian Schneider biography
  2. a b c Ernst Klee: The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 552.
  3. Braunbuch - War and Nazi criminals in the Federal Republic and West Berlin (1968; PDF; 2.2 MB), p. 62. (accessed on April 10, 2013)


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