Christian von Bellin

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Christian von Bellin († before 1627 ) was a Brandenburg Privy Councilor .

Christian von Bellin was a member of the Brandenburg noble family von Bellin. In 1612 he was the elector of Emperor Matthias and in 1619 of Emperor Ferdinand II. As early as 1613, he took part in the Reichstag in Regensburg and in 1619 in the Protestant assembly in Nuremberg .

He was captain of the Ruppin and Fehrbellin offices . As a member of the Brandenburg government under Elector Johann Sigismund (1608–1619) he was a Privy Councilor or Privy Councilor of State. Under Georg Wilhelm (1619–1640), a process was initiated against his heirs posthumously in 1627 because he would have promoted an incursion by the Danes into the Mark. The charges could not be substantiated.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Preussisches Adels-Lexicon , Volume 1, Leipzig 1836, p. 199
  2. ^ A b Christian August Ludwig Klaproth, Immanuel Karl Wilhelm Cosmar: The king. Prussian and Churfürstl. Brandenburg Really Secret State Council on its bicentenary foundation day on January 5th, 1805. Berlin 1805, p. 338, no. 14.