Christoph Hubig

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Christoph Hubig (born April 15, 1952 in Saarbrücken ) is a German emeritus professor of philosophy who, through his work on practical philosophy (ethics of prudence, application-oriented ethics, dissent management), philosophy of technology and culture (with a new approach to technology as a medium) as well as the philosophy of science (dialectics and reflection) became known. The common basis of his investigations is a philosophy of conceptualization / dealing with the possible.


From 1970 to 1974, Hubig studied philosophy, sociology, German and musicology in Saarbrücken and at the TU Berlin . The doctorate took place in 1976 in philosophy on the subject of "Dialectics and Science Logic", the habilitation in 1983 on the subject of "Action - Identity - Understanding". After substituting professorships in Braunschweig and Hamburg as well as working as a project manager in the DFG-FG Konstruktionshandeln (in mechanical engineering), he received a professorship for practical philosophy / philosophy of technology at the TU Berlin in 1986 , the founding professorship for practical philosophy at the University of Leipzig in 1992 (there 1993 –1995 Dean of the newly founded Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy) and in 1997 the Chair of Philosophy with a focus on philosophy of science and philosophy of technology at the University of Stuttgart ; Since 2004 he has been visiting professor and senior consultant at the Dalian University of Technology / China and since March 2010 professor for practical philosophy and philosophy of scientific-technical culture at the TU Darmstadt , there from 2015 to 2017 Dean of the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences. In addition to numerous visiting professorships, he was a Distinguished Fellow at the Center of Advanced Studies at Fudan University Shanghai in 2017.

Hubig was prorector for structure at the University of Stuttgart (2000–2002), managing director and member of the board of the German Society for Philosophy (1993–2005), curator and head of the study center Germany of the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation for communication research (2002–2010) and Director of the International Center for Culture and Technology Research at the University of Stuttgart (2005–2010), also among other things project leader in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 627 "Nexus" Ubiquitous Computing (2002–2010) and Principal Investigator (Integrative Platform of Reflection and Evaluation) of the Cluster of Excellence "Simulation Technology" (2007–2010) as well as in the graduate school "Topology of Technology" (TU Darmstadt 2011–2016). For the Association of German Engineers (VDI) Hubig worked in various functions, for example as chairman of the "People and Technology" division (1997-2003), since then as head of numerous committees (including knowledge society, ethical engineering responsibility, interculturality), member of the committee " Communication and Public Participation "(VDI 7001) as well as the Advisory Board" Technology in Dialog ".

Hubig was awarded the special prize of the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) and the VDI plaque of honor. In 2012 the commemorative publication "Reflexion des Possible" (LIT-Verlag) was published on the occasion of his 60th birthday, and in 2018 the commemorative publication "Possibilities of Reflection" (Nomos-Verlag) on ​​retirement; there you will find an overview of Hubig's working lines and income.


The basis of his research in the areas of technological philosophy, cultural and social philosophy, theory of action, application-related ethics and philosophy of science are studies on genesis , continuation, availability , standardizability / justifiability and reflection on relevant structures, strategies and practices of theoretical and practical exploration of the world in their real, intellectual and socio-technical constitution. Accordingly, analyzes of technology as a medium / system, as power (instance of enabling) as well as normative questions of system design and the imaginability of systemic relationships (simulation technology) were presented. Philosophy-historical starting points lie with Aristotle, Hegel and pragmatism.

Publications (selection)


  • Technology and science ethics. A guide, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 1993, 2nd revised. 1995 edition.
  • Technological culture, Leipzig 1997.
  • Mittel, Bielefeld 2002.
  • The art of the possible. Basics of a Philosophy of Technology, Vol. 1: Philosophy of Technology as Reflection of Mediality, Bielefeld 2006.
  • The art of the possible. Basics of a Philosophy of Technology, Vol. 2: Ethics of Technology as Provisional Moral, Bielefeld 2007.
  • Education and Competence, Göttingen 2009.
  • The art of the possible. Basics of a Philosophy of Technology, Vol. 3: Power of Technology, Bielefeld 2015.


  • (Ed.) Funkkolleg Technik: Assess - Assess - Evaluate, Weinheim 1996.
  • (Ed.) On the way to the knowledge society, Berlin 2000.
  • (Co-ed.) Dialectics. Journal for Cultural Philosophy, Hamburg 2000–2006
  • (Ed.) Ethical Engineer Responsibility, Berlin 2003.
  • (Co-ed.) Philosophy and Psychology in Dialogue, Göttingen, since 2006 (21 vols.).
  • (Co-ed.) Thinking about technology. The classics of technology philosophy and newer developments. 3rd expanded edition ("Darmstädter Edition"), Berlin / Baden-Baden 2013.
  • (Co-ed.) Yearbook for Philosophy of Technology, Zurich / Baden-Baden, since 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Christoph Hubig: Prof. Dr. phil. Christoph Hubig, Scientific Career. TU-Darmstadt, accessed on September 15, 2016 .
  2. ^ Christoph Hubig: Dialectics and Science Logic . An analysis of the philosophy of language and the theory of action . Doctorate, Reprint 2015 (=  Basics of Communication and Cognition / Foundations of Communication and Cognition ). de Gruyter, 1978, ISBN 978-3-11-007373-7 .
  3. Christoph Hubig: Action, Identity, Understanding: From Action Theory to Spiritual Science . Habilitation (=  Beltz monograph ). Beltz, Weinheim 1985, ISBN 978-3-407-54687-6 .
  4. see article "Mediality / Medium" and "Possibility" in the Encyclopedia Philosophy (Hamburg 2010)