Christoph Keyling

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Christoph Keyling (also wedge and Keuling; Latinized : Christophorus Keiling; * July 23, 1599 in Eisleben ; † June 3, 1666 ibid) was a German physician .


Christoph Keyling was the son of the Eisleben merchant Georg Keuling the elder. After attending the Eisleben grammar school , under Rector Albert Grauer , and the Pforta State School , under Rector Justin Bertuch , he turned to the University of Leipzig in 1620 to study philosophy , but switched to the medical faculty shortly after moving to the university. There he studied until 1624, then switched to the universities of Wittenberg (1624/25) and Jena (1625/26) for one year before embarking on a longer study trip through Italy in 1625 and obtaining his doctorate on May 17, 1629 at the University of Padua received. In 1630 he returned to his homeland and traveled to the Netherlands from 1631 to 1632, before he was appointed city ​​physician of Nordhausen in 1633 , which he held for five years. He then worked as personal physician to August von Anhalt and the Counts of Mansfeld and in 1639 was appointed city physicus ( physicus ordinarius ) of Eisleben. On June 28, 1652 he was elected a member ( matriculation number 5 ) of the Academia Naturae Curiosorum , today's Leopoldina , and was nicknamed Aeson I. Keyling died on June 4, 1666 in Eisleben and was buried there on June 7 .


  • Andreas Elias Büchner : Academiae Sacri Romani Imperii Leopoldino-Carolinae Natvrae Cvriosorvm Historia. Litteris et impensis Ioannis Iustini Gebaueri, Halae Magdebvrgicae 1755, De Collegis, p. 463 digitized
  • Michael Emmerlingen among others: Pausa Medica, Or Des Doctor's Soulful Peace / From the Revelation Johann. 14. Cap. v. 13. And I heard a voice from heaven saying to me: Write / Blessed are the dead / those who die in the Lord. In a Christian corpse preaching Bey of the handsome people sepulture and funeral / Weiland Des Edlen / Groß-Achtbahrn and Hochgelahrten HERRN Christoph Keylings / Philosophiae & Medicinae well-known Doctoris, Fürstl. Saxon. Magdeburg. as well as Gräffl. Mansfeld. LeibMedici, and Stadt-Physici here at Eißleben / Which on the holy day of Pentecost / was the 3rd of June in the year 1666. fell asleep in his fatherland in the Lord / and was then buried on Thursday, 7th June on God's field here in his family's hereditary funeral . Printed by Andreas Koch, [Eisleben] 1666, urn : nbn: de: gbv: 3: 1-84200 (German, Latin, Leichenpredigt , VD 17 39: 110268Y ).
  • Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann, Jena 1860, p. 188 .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Elias Büchner : Academiae Sacri Romani Imperii Leopoldino-Carolinae Natvrae Cvriosorvm Historia . Litteris et impensis Ioannis Iustini Gebaueri, Halae Magdebvrgicae 1755, De Collegis, p. 463 (Latin, ).