Claudio Tolomei

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De le lettere

Claudio Tolomei (* 1492 in Asciano ; † 1556 ) was an Italian writer, critic and philologist.

Claudio Tolomei was born in Asciano near Siena in 1492 . He studied law in Bologna , where he published his first work Laude delle Donne Bolognesi ( Praise of the Bolognese Women ) in 1514 . After returning to Siena, he was at the local university lecturer in law. During this time he wrote two Latin writings, De corruptis verbis iuris civilis dialogus and Disputationes et paradoxa iuris civilis , which have been lost. Because of its supporters to the party of the Medici he had to go into exile in 1526 and lived then long in Rome and Piacenza atPier Luigi II Farnese and after his death in Padua until 1548 . At the end of his life he became ambassador to France and finally Bishop of Toulon .

In addition to smaller poems, his works on language theory are particularly important. In the book Versi e regole della nuova poesia toscana , Tolomei gives rules for the use of classical quantitative metrics and their application to Tuscan-Italian poetry. The dialogue Il polito , which he wrote under the pseudonym Adriano Franci in 1525 and in which he a.o. is of outstanding importance for the language question in Italy in the 16th century, is the dialogue Il polito . a. turned against the orthography concept of Gian Giorgio Trissino , although he affirmed the fundamental need for a spelling reform. In another dialogue, Il Cesano , Tolomei defended Tuscan as the standard Italian language, in contrast to the language conceptions of Baldassare Castiglione , Trissino and Alessandro de 'Pazzi .


  • Cappagli, Alessandra, Gli scritti ortofonici di Claudio Tolomei , in: Studi di Grammatica Italiana 14 (1990), 341-94.
  • Cappagli, Alessandra, Due ricerche sulla fonetica del Tolomei , in: Studi di Grammatica Italiana 15 (1993), 111-56.