Clemens August von Plettenberg

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Clemens August Reichsgraf von Plettenberg (born October 26, 1724 - † December 3, 1778 ) was canon in Mainz , Paderborn and Münster .


As the son of Friedrich Bernhard Wilhelm von Plettenberg (1695–1730) and his wife Agnes Sophia von Westerholt zu Lembeck (1696–1768), Clemens August von Plettenberg grew up with his siblings, including

in one of the oldest and most important noble families in Westphalia .

With the receipt of the tonsure on March 22, 1731, Clemens August was prepared for a spiritual life. 1737 he received the Mainz Cathedral a Dompräbende , because of the refusal Aufschwörung was later withdrawn.

In 1746 Clemens August Maria Kerckerinck renounced his Paderborn cathedral canon and left it to von Plettenberg. Here he also became President of the Chamber. The award of a prebend by the Turnar in Münster fell in 1748. Von Plettenberg was the owner of the archdeaconate in Stadtlohn and at the same time provost in the small St. Mary's Church in Lippstadt .


Wilhelm Kohl : The Diocese of Münster 4.2. The Domstift St. Paulus zu Münster , NF 17.2, published by the Max Planck Institute for History in Göttingen, Verlag Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-11-008508-2 .

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