Clive McCay

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Clive Maine McCay (born March 21, 1898 in Winamac , Indiana , † June 8, 1967 in Englewood (Florida) ) was an American biochemist and gerontologist .


Clive McCay studied biochemistry at the University of Illinois , where he received his BA in 1920 . He received his master's degree from Iowa State College in Iowa in 1923 . At the University of California , he was in 1925 for Ph. D. doctorate . This was followed by study visits to Yale (with Lafayette B. Mendel ) and Oxford . In 1927 he became an assistant professor of animal nutrition at Cornell University . In 1936 he became professor of nutrition there . In July 1927 he married Jeanette Beyer, who wrote a biography about him after his death. He stayed at Cornell University in Ithaca until his retirement in 1962 . McCay died on June 8, 1967 after a long and serious illness at his home in Englewood.


Clive McCay is best known for his attempts at calorie restriction . He discovered that laboratory animals that were given a significantly reduced energy supply for their diet lived significantly longer than their conspecifics who could eat any amount of food ( ad libitum ). Initially, he was able to demonstrate this effect on rodents and later also on dogs . McCay has authored or co-authored about 200 publications.

Publications (selection)

  • CM McCay: Reprint Size. In: Science 94, 1941, p. 415. PMID 17798236
  • CM McCay and SE Smith: Tomato Pomace in the Diet. In: Science 91, 1940, pp. 388-389. PMID 17773433
  • AM Phillips and CM McCay: Hemoglobin Regeneration in Anemic Trout Fed Liver Fractions and Fly Maggots. In: Science 93, 1941, pp. 355-356. PMID 17734548
  • CM McCay and MF Crowell: Prolonging the Life Span. In: The Scientific Monthly 39, 1934, pp. 405-414.
  • CM McCay et al .: The effect of retarded growth upon the length of the life span and upon the ultimate body size. In: J Nutr 79, 1935, pp. 63-79.
  • CM McCay et al: The effect of retarded growth upon the length of life span and upon the ultimate body size. In: Nutrition 5, 1935, pp. 155-171. PMID 2520283
  • CM McCay: Effect of Restricted Feeding Upon Aging and Chronic Diseases in Rats and Dogs. In: Am J Public Health Nations Health 37, 1947, pp. 521-518. PMID 18016520
  • CM McCay et al .: Retarded growth, life span, ultimate body size and age changes in the albino rat after feeding diets restricted in calories. In: The Journal of Nutrition 18, 1939, pp. 1-13. PMID 1095975
  • CM McCay et al.: Experimental prolongation of the life span. In: Bull NY Acad Med 32, 1956, pp. 91-101. PMID 13284491

Literature on Clive McCay

Individual evidence

  1. F. Verzár: In Memoriam: Clive McCay M. In: Gerontologie 13, 1967, p. 193. doi : 10.1159 / 000211606