Coconut cuckoo

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Coconut cuckoo
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Cuckoo birds (Cuculiformes)
Family : Cuckoos (Cuculidae)
Genre : Coccyzus
Type : Coconut cuckoo
Scientific name
Coccyzus ferrugineus
Gould , 1843

The Cocoskuckuck ( Coccyzus ferrugineus ), including Cocos Island Cuckoo , is an endemic island style from the family of cuckoo birds and one of the cuckoo species threatening in their stock ( vulnerable ) are. As is typical for members of the Coccyzus genus , he raises his offspring himself.


The coconut cuckoo reaches a body length of 33 centimeters and is one of the small cuckoo species. It weighs an average of 70 grams. There is no noticeable gender dimorphism .

The mangrove cuckoo , which does not occur on the coconut island, is similar to the coconut cuckoo

In the adult birds, the forehead and the vertex are gray-black and gradually turn gray-brown at the back of the head. The mantle and the wing coverts, the rump and the upper tail coverts are also gray-brown. The wings are otherwise dark red-brown on the top and isabel-colored on the underside. The coconut cuckoo has a striking black head mask, which stands out clearly from the fletching of the crown and frames the eyes. Below this head mask, the head is creamy white. The throat and front breast are also creamy white, on the belly this changes into a strong Isabell tone. This color is particularly noticeable on the flanks and thighs. The tail feathers are clearly patterned in black and white. The iris is dark brown, the eye ring is yellow. The upper beak is black, the lower bill is bright yellow with a black beak tip.

Young birds are similar to the adult birds, but the black and white pattern of the tail feathers is not yet as pronounced.

Several species of the genus Coccyzus resemble the Cocoskuckuck: Both the mangrove devil and the Cory and the black beak devil exhibit their bright with body bottom a similar plumage coloration. However, there is no possibility of confusion, as these three species do not reach the coconut island even as a random visitor .


The coconut cuckoo occurs exclusively on the coconut island . He is the only representative of the cuckoos there .

Chatham Bay on Coconut Island

Coconut Island is an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean , which has been under nature protection since 1978 and has meanwhile the status of a national park. Politically, it belongs to the canton of Puntarenas in the province of the same name in the Central American state of Costa Rica . The Coconut Island is 7.49 km long and up to 4.61 km wide and has an area of ​​23.85 km². The highest point is the Cerro Iglesias with 634 m in the west. Of the 87 bird species that occur on the island, two other species are limited in their occurrence to this island with the coconut island tyrant ( Nesotricus ridgwayi ) and coconut finch ( Pinaroloxias inornata ).

Most of the approximately 24 km long coastline consists of steep cliffs that rise up to 200 m from the sea. The island is covered with a dense rainforest, the flora in the interior of the island consists mainly of species that are related to those of the neighboring American continent. It is made up of various Ficus species , Brosimum guianense , ant trees ( Cecropia ) and balsa trees ( Ochroma ), which are covered by a dense tangle of epiphytes and climbing plants. The endemic Eugenia pacifica , the soap bush ( Clidemia hirta ), and Miconia dodecandra are found as bushy growing border and under plants . In the beach areas there are light groves with Hibiscus tiliaceus and balsam apple ( Clusia rosea ). Due to the frequent rains, the island is crossed by numerous flowing waters.

On the island, the coconut cuckoo predominantly inhabits the light hibiscus groves, the thickets along the rivers and places where banana trees are the dominant tree species. It is also found in secondary forests.

Way of life

The coconut cuckoo moves mostly hopping through the dense undergrowth and only rarely flies up. He alternately ambushes prey or tries to startle them with sudden movements.

Little is known about the reproduction of the coconut cuckoo. However, the breeding season falls mainly in the months of January and February. It eats various invertebrates as well as small lizards.


The existence of the coconut cuckoo is primarily endangered by the mammal species introduced on the coconut island, which either change the composition of the flora or are predators of the coconut cuckoo. Domestic pigs and goats were introduced to the island, and white-tailed deer were released . All species prevent the forest from regenerating. Introduced rats attack the nestlings of the cuckoo and introduced house cats also chase after the adult birds.


  • Johannes Erhitzøe, Clive F. Mann, Frederik P. Brammer, Richard A. Fuller: Cuckoos of the World (Helm Identification Guide) . Christopher Helm, London 2012, ISBN 978-0-7136-6034-0 .
  • Martin Walters: The signals of birds - What birds reveal about the environment . Haupt, Bern 2011, ISBN 978-3-258-07682-9 .

Web links

Single receipts

  1. Coccyzus ferrugineus in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2012. Posted by: BirdLife International, 2012. Accessed October 17, 2016th
  2. a b c Erhitzøe, Mann, Brammer, Fuller: Cuckoos of the World . P. 301.
  3. ^ Dieter Mueller-Dombois , F. Raymond Fosberg: Vegetation of the Tropical Pacific Islands . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1998, ISBN 0-387-98313-9 , pp. 584-585
  4. Martin Walters: The signals of the birds - What birds reveal about the environment . Haupt, Bern 2011, ISBN 978-3-258-07682-9 . , P. 166.