Cohors I Hispanorum (Aegyptus)

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The Cohors I Hispanorum [Cyrenaica] [equitata] ( German  1st cohort of Hispanics [from the Cyrenaica ] [partly mounted] ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by military diplomas and inscriptions.

Name components

  • I : The Roman number stands for the ordinal number, the first ( Latin prima ). Hence the name of this military unit is pronounced as Cohors prima ...
  • Hispanorum : the Hispanic . The soldiers of the cohort were recruited on the territory of the Roman province of Hispania Tarraconensis when the unit was established .
  • Cyrenaica : from the Cyrenaica . The addition occurs in the military diploma of 142; it suggests an earlier stay in Cyrenaica.
  • equitata : partially mounted. The unit was a mixed association of infantry and cavalry. The addition appears in several inscriptions.

Since there is no evidence of the addition of milliaria (1000 men) to the name , the unit was a Cohors quingenaria equitata . The nominal strength of the cohort was 600 men (480 infantry and 120 horsemen), consisting of 6 centuries of infantry with 80 men each and 4 tower cavalry with 30 horsemen each.


The cohort was stationed in the provinces of Aegyptus and Arabia (in that order). It is listed on military diplomas for the years 83-142 AD.

The unit was probably already set up under Augustus and may have been stationed in Aegyptus since his reign . The first evidence in the province is based on a diploma dated 83. In the diploma, the cohort is listed as part of the troops (see Roman Forces in Aegyptus ) that were stationed in the province. Another diploma, dated 98/105, proves unity in the same province.

In the diploma of 105 the cohort is listed as ex translatarum in Iudaeam , i.e. H. it was to be moved to the province of Iudaea . But since she is not listed on any of the later military diplomas for Iudaea , she probably took part in the annexation of the Nabatean Empire by Trajan in 106 and was then stationed in the newly established province of Arabia Petraea . The cohort was first documented in Arabia through a diploma .


Cohort locations in Aegyptus may have been:

  • Talmis ( Kalabsha ): several inscriptions have been found here.
  • Syene : an inscription was found here.

Members of the cohort

The following members of the cohort are known:



  • Antonius, a Centurion (SB 8516)
  • Aphrodas, a horseman (SB 4126)
  • [B] assus, a centurion ( CIL 3, 6590 )
  • Bassus, a Centurion (SB 8518)
  • C (aius) A [] sius, a soldier ( CIL 3, 6590 )
  • Gaius lulius Antoninus, a soldier (SB 8516)
  • C (aius) Iulius Saturninus, a centurion: the diploma of 83 was issued to him.
  • Cornelius, a Centurion (SB 4591)
  • Florus, a Decurio (SB 4124)
  • Longinus, a horseman (SB 4126)
  • Lucius Petronius, a Tubicen (SB 4591)
  • Lucius Rutilius, a horseman (SB 4124)
  • Lucius Rutilius Lupus (SB 8518)
  • Lucius Valerius Lupus (SB 8518)
  • Marcus Pr [] Corbulon (SB 8515)

See also


  • Margaret M. Roxan : The Auxilia of the Roman Army raised in the Iberian Peninsula. Dissertation, 1973 Volume 1 ( PDF 1 ) Volume 2 ( PDF 2 )
  • John Spaul : Cohors² The evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the Imperial Roman Army , British Archaeological Reports 2000, BAR International Series (Book 841), ISBN 978-1-84171-046-4


  1. a b c d The assignment to the unit is assumed, but is not certain.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Peter Weiß , Michael P. Speidel : The first military diploma for Arabia In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , Volume 150 (2004), pp. 253–264, here pp. 259, 264 ( online ).
  2. Inscriptions with equitata ( CIL 3, 50 , CIL 3, 14147,2 , SB 4591, SB 8518).
  3. Military diplomas of the years 83 ( CIL 16, 29 ), 98/105 ( ZPE-133-271 ), 105 ( RMD 1, 9 ) and 142 ( ZPE-150-254 ).
  4. ^ A b John Spaul , Cohors², pp. 108, 112-113.
  5. ^ Jörg Scheuerbrandt : Exercitus. Tasks, organization and command structure of Roman armies during the imperial era. Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau 2003/2004, p. 172 Table 14 ( PDF ).
  6. ^ A b c Margaret M. Roxan , The Auxilia, pp. 189-197, 653-655.
  7. Inscriptions from Talmis (SB 4124, SB 4126, SB 4591, SB 8515, SB 8518).
  8. Inscription from Syene ( CIL 3, 14147,2 ).
  9. Sabino Perea Yébenes: Documentación del exercitus hispanicus: soldados y oficiales de alas y cohortes con etnónimo hispano en inscripciones y papiros griegos. Prosopografía. In: Aquila Legionis 7, 2006, 65-108, here pp. 83-86, 88, 93-97 ( online ).