Communauté de communes CAPAVENIR

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The Communauté de communes CAPAVENIR was a communal union of eight municipalities north of Épinal in the Vosges department in Lorraine .

The communal association ( Communauté de communes ) had 13,486 inhabitants (January 1, 2007) on 69.71 km², which corresponds to a population density of 193 inhabitants / km². The seat of the association was the municipality of Thaon-les-Vosges .

The name CAPAVENIR is a play on words from CAP , which stands for C ommission A dministrative P aritaire (Joint Administrative Committee) and avenir (French: future).

The situation of the member communities could be divided into two areas: Chavelot, Girmont, Nomexy and Thaon-les-Vosges on the Moselle ; Frizon, Gigney, Mazeley and Oncourt on the Avière , a tributary of the Moselle, or in its catchment area. Some of the communities on the Moselle are nationally important industrial sites, while the small communities in the west have a very original, village-like character.

The community association was founded on December 31, 2004 in order to bundle the material resources of the communities, which are quite different in their structure, and to coordinate economic development.

The area of ​​responsibility of the municipal association included regional planning , which included cross-municipal economic development and spatial planning. The Communauté de communes CAPAVENIR had also set itself the goal of working closely together in the field of environmental protection and coordinating leisure and tourism projects (cycle path network, playgrounds, media library).

On January 1, 2012, the Communauté de communes CAPAVENIR was merged into the new communal association Agglomération d'Épinal .

The name lives on in the town of Capavenir Vosges, which was formed on January 1, 2016 from the previous municipalities of Girmont, Oncourt and Thaon-les- Vosges .

Former member parishes

The blue logo of the community association was found on the entrance signs of all member communities

Web links