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Gigney (France)
region Grand Est
Department Vosges
Arrondissement Epinal
Canton Golbey
Community association Epinal
Coordinates 48 ° 14 '  N , 6 ° 20'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 14 '  N , 6 ° 20'  E
height 327-395 m
surface 5.09 km 2
Residents 46 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 9 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 88390
INSEE code

Location of the commune of Gigney in the Vosges department

Gigney is a French commune with 46 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2017) in the Vosges department in the Grand Est region . It belongs to the Arrondissement Épinal and, since 2012, to the municipal association Agglomération d'Épinal .


The municipality of Gigney is twelve kilometers northwest of the city center of Épinal , the capital (chef-lieu) of the Vosges department.

The five-square-kilometer municipal area of Gigney includes a valley portion of the Ruisseau de l'Etang , a left tributary of the Avière and gently to the west slope of the mountain, by the valleys of the rivers le Ruisseau de Corb, Ruisseau Trimbolot and Ruisseau du Jaunay is divided . The streams arise in the municipality of Gigney and drain over the Ruisseau de l'Etang and the Avière to the Moselle . The western border of the municipality forms the demarcation to the catchment area of ​​the Madon .

Gigney has around 50 hectares of the wooded heights around the 469 meter high Croix de Virine viewpoint . Another 30 hectares of forest lie east of the Ruisseau de l'Etang . However, arable land makes up the largest proportion of the municipal area.

The center of the village, which has 46 inhabitants (January 1, 2017), is the Saint-Médard church, which is surrounded by an oval cemetery. The church and cemetery are also used by the neighboring parish of Fomerey.

Neighboring communities of Gigney are Mazeley in the north, Domèvre-sur-Avière in the east, Fomerey in the south and Bocquegney in the west.

Population development

year 1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2007 2017
Residents 82 90 76 85 82 74 68 46
Sources: Cassini and INSEE


The Saint-Médard church from the early 14th century has a number of objects that have been classified as a monument historique . These include a red, velvet chasuble from the 18th century, the altar table and a statue of the Virgin from the early 16th century and a chalice from the Etival monastery . Crosses in the cemetery that are up to 400 years old were also named as historical monuments.

Economy and Infrastructure

Agriculture still plays the main role in Gigney, which looks very original, with three farms (fruit growing, dairy farming). Because of its relative seclusion, the village has not yet been "discovered" as a place of residence for townspeople in the area.

The D 36 trunk road from Mazeley to Darnieulles leads through Gigney , where it connects to the partially two-lane national road 166 from Épinal to Vittel / Neufchâteau .

supporting documents

  1. [ Gigney on]
  2. Gigney on
  3. ( memento of the original from March 1, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (French, accessed on May 24, 2010 / no longer available since 2012 - page has been deactivated)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ↑ Farms on (French)

Web links

Commons : Gigney  - Collection of Images