Communauté de communes Porte Ouest de la Dombes

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Communauté de communes Porte Ouest de la Dombes
Ain ( Rhône-Alpes - France )
Establishment date December 26, 1994
Dissolution date December 31 2013
Seat Jassans-Riottier
Communities 8th
president Brigitte Coulon
surface 230.40 km²
Residents 15,057 (2006)
Population density 65 people / km²

The Communauté de communes Porte Ouest de la Dombes was a French association of municipalities ( Communauté de communes ) in the Ain department in the region of Rhone-Alpes . It was founded on December 26, 1994 as District Porte Ouest de la Dombes and on December 12, 1999 it was converted into a Communauté de communes. At the turn of the year 2013/2014 it was dissolved and merged with the neighboring Communauté de communes Saône Vallée to form the Communauté de communes Dombes Saône Vallée .


  1. Ambérieux-en-Dombes
  2. Ars-sur-Formans
  3. Beauregard
  4. Fareins
  5. Frans
  6. Jassans-Riottier
  7. Rancé
  8. Savigneux