Communauté de communes du Pays de Mirepoix

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Communauté de communes
du Pays de Mirepoix
Region (s) Occitania
Department (s) Ariège
Establishment date December 31 2013
legal form Communauté de communes
Communities 33
president Jean-Jacques Michau
SIREN number 200 044 469
surface 333.75 km²
Residents 10,447 (2015)
Population density 31 inhabitants / km²

Location of the association of municipalities
in the Occitania region

The Communauté de communes du Pays de Mirepoix is a French association of municipalities with the legal form of a Communauté de communes in the Ariège department in the Occitania region . The community association, which has existed since 1994, was re-established on December 31, 2013 with the involvement of the Communauté de communes de la Moyenne Vallée de l'Hers and now comprises 33 communities.

Member municipalities

local community Residents
January 1, 2017
Density of
population / km²
Post Code
Aigues-Vives 000000000000666.0000000000666 5.16 000000000000129.0000000000129 09002 09600
Belloc 000000000000076.000000000076 9.54 000000000000008.00000000008th 09048 09600
Besset 000000000000164.0000000000164 8.13 000000000000020.000000000020th 09052 09500
Camon 000000000000143.0000000000143 10.25 000000000000014.000000000014th 09074 09500
Cazals-des-Bayles 000000000000056.000000000056 4.71 000000000000012.000000000012 09089 09500
Coutens 000000000000172.0000000000172 4.19 000000000000041.000000000041 09102 09500
Dun 000000000000586.0000000000586 41.41 000000000000014.000000000014th 09107 09600
Esclagne 000000000000146.0000000000146 3.52 000000000000041.000000000041 09115 09600
La Bastide-de-Bousignac 000000000000338.0000000000338 12.53 000000000000027.000000000027 09039 09500
La Bastide-sur-l'Hers 000000000000678.0000000000678 4.77 000000000000142.0000000000142 09043 09600
Lagarde 000000000000194.0000000000194 11.93 000000000000016.000000000016 09150 09500
Lapenne 000000000000127.0000000000127 21.57 000000000000006.00000000006th 09153 09500
Le Peyrat 000000000000473.0000000000473 6.13 000000000000077.000000000077 09229 09600
Léran 000000000000591.0000000000591 11.92 000000000000050.000000000050 09161 09600
Limbrassac 000000000000133.0000000000133 12.42 000000000000011.000000000011 09169 09600
Malegoude 000000000000046.000000000046 6.14 000000000000007.00000000007th 09178 09500
Manses 000000000000126.0000000000126 15.36 000000000000008.00000000008th 09180 09500
Mirepoix 000000000003158.00000000003.158 47.28 000000000000067.000000000067 09194 09500
Montbel 000000000000110.0000000000110 17.36 000000000000006.00000000006th 09200 09600
Moulin-Neuf 000000000000238.0000000000238 2.62 000000000000091.000000000091 09213 09500
Pradettes 000000000000050.000000000050 3.52 000000000000014.000000000014th 09233 09600
Régat 000000000000085.000000000085 2.16 000000000000039.000000000039 09243 09600
Rieucros 000000000000702.0000000000702 5.57 000000000000126.0000000000126 09244 09500
Roumengoux 000000000000166.0000000000166 6.87 000000000000024.000000000024 09251 09500
Saint-Félix-de-Tournegat 000000000000142.0000000000142 10.51 000000000000014.000000000014th 09259 09500
Saint-Julien-de-Gras-Capou 000000000000054.000000000054 6.14 000000000000009.00000000009 09266 09500
Saint-Quentin-la-Tour 000000000000337.0000000000337 9.02 000000000000037.000000000037 09274 09500
Sainte-Foi 000000000000026.000000000026th 2.41 000000000000011.000000000011 09260 09500
Participation 000000000000154.0000000000154 8.96 000000000000017.000000000017th 09309 09500
Tourtrol 000000000000298.0000000000298 4.97 000000000000060.000000000060 09314 09500
Troye-d'Ariège 000000000000086.000000000086 8.15 000000000000011.000000000011 09316 09500
Vals 000000000000098.000000000098 4.13 000000000000024.000000000024 09323 09500
Viviès 000000000000124.0000000000124 4.40 000000000000028.000000000028 09341 09500
Communauté de communes
du Pays de Mirepoix
000000000010447.000000000010,447 333.75 000000000000031.000000000031


  1. ^ The association of municipalities on, the INSEE website .
  2. CC du Pays de Mirepoix (SIREN: 200 044 469) in the Base nationale sur l'intercommunalité (BANATIC) of the French Ministry of the Interior (French)