Composers Concordance

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The Composers Concordance, Inc. is an American company. The association is based in New York City . It was founded in 1983 by composers Patrick Hardish and Joseph Pehrson . Concordance serves to spread contemporary music , primarily American composers. A little later, Otto Luening , the pioneer of electroacoustic music in the USA , became the organization's advisor . The music publisher William Holab joined the group in 1984 and established contacts with Edition Peters . From 1994 the music magazine New Music Connoisseur became an important partner. In 1999 the composer William Rhoads found access to Concordance. Thanks to the close connections to Columbia Professor Dinu Ghezzo , additional venues in New York (including Columbia University and Hunter College ) were opened up. Later the young composers Dan Cooper , himself assistant to Luening, and Gene Pritsker joined. In 2009 the organization hosted concerts at the Chelsea Art Museum . The association's sponsors include the BMI and ASCAP foundations and the New York State Council on the Arts. Important advisors to the Composers Concordance today are Leo Kraft , Charles Bornstein , Leonard Lehrman and Raoul Pleskow . Those responsible founded their own label in 2010.

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