Continental IO-346

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Teledyne Continental Motors

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Continental IO-346
Production period: 1965-1969
Manufacturer: Teledyne Continental Motors
Developing country: United StatesUnited States United States
First run: 1962
Working principle: Otto
Motor design: Boxer engine
Cylinder: 4th
Displacement: 5680 cm 3
Mixture preparation: Continuously injecting multi-point intake manifold
Engine charging: sucking free
Cooling system: Air cooling
Power: 121 kW
Dimensions: 135 kg
Previous model: none
Successor: IO-520

The Continental IO-346 is a four-cylinder boxer engine that was specially developed by Continental Motors for use in the Beechcraft Musketeer Custom III . It was built from 1965 to 1969.

construction and development

Since there is no carburettor version of the engine that would have the designation O-346, the IO-346 is the base model.

The IO-346 was developed for AvGas 91-98. It has a dry weight of 269.75 lb (122 kg) or 297 lb (135 kg) with the alternator and starter . The double magneto consists of either a combination of a Scintilla S4RN-201 and an S4RN-205 or two Slick Electro 449s.


Base model, type certification on July 27, 1962
Identical to the IO-346-A, but prepared for hydraulic controllable pitch propellers . Type certification on June 23, 1964


Beechcraft A23 Musketeer from 1965 with an IO-346

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Joe Christy: Engines for Homebuilt Aircraft & Ultralights . TAB Books, 1983, ISBN 0-8306-2347-7 , pp. 63 (English).
  2. a b c d TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET NO. E3CE. (pdf) Federal Aviation Administration , November 1973, accessed December 14, 2008 .