Continental O-190

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Teledyne Continental Motors
Continental O-190 in a radio B

Continental O-190 in a radio B

Continental O-190
Production period: 1943-1970
Manufacturer: Teledyne Continental Motors
Developing country: United StatesUnited States United States
Working principle: Otto
Motor design: Boxer engine
Cylinder: 4th
Drilling: 103 mm
Hub: 92 mm
Displacement: 3100 cm 3
Compression: 6.3: 1
Mixture preparation: Carburetor
Engine charging: -
Cooling system: Air cooling
Power: 56 kW
Previous model: none
Successor: none

Continental O-190 (internal designation C75 and C85 ) is a series of four-cylinder boxer engines from the US manufacturer Continental Motors . They produce outputs of 56 kW (76 PS) or 63 kW (86 PS).

Both variants are identical in terms of cylinder bore , piston stroke and compression . The C85 model generates the additional 10 hp by increasing the permitted speed of the C75 from 2275 min −1 to 2575 min −1 .

The C75 was produced from 1943 to 1952, the C85 from 1944 to 1970,




Web links

Commons : Continental O-190  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Continental Aircraft Engine Operator's Manual . Teledyne Continental Motors, 1980, p. 4-5 (English).