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Crossocerus elongatulus

Crossocerus elongatulus

Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
without rank: Digger wasps (Spheciformes)
Family : Crabronidae
Subfamily : Crabroninae
Genre : Crossocerus
Scientific name
Lepeletier & Brulle , 1835

Crossocerus is a genus of digger wasps (Spheciformes) from the Crabronidae family . About 200 species are known, the main distribution area is mainly the Palearctic , but also the Nearctic . One species, Crossocerus annulipes, is common in the Holarctic . There are 37 species in Europe, preferably in the cooler climate of Central Europe, less in the south.


The digger wasps are small to medium in size and often black. Some species have yellow spots on their abdomen. The body is often finely structured and weakly sculpted and also has smooth, shiny areas. In particular, the top of the propodeum is smooth and shiny in all species. The point eyes ( ocelli ) are arranged in an isosceles triangle.

Way of life

The genus is divided into several sub-genera. The species of the subgenus Crossocerus and Hoplocrabro create their nests in the ground, the other species they build in wood or in hollow stems. In the latter species, the pygidial plate is narrowed in the females. The brood is mostly supplied with small flies, but also with dust lice and leaf fleas . Crossocerus walkeri hunts mayflies , Crossocerus annulipes specializes in Schnabelkerfe . Outside Europe there are also species that hunt small butterflies, dust lice and beak flies . The prey is transported with the belly side up and held with the middle legs. With Schnabelkerfen, the feelers are also packed with the mandibles .

Species (Europe)

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Manfred Blösch: The digger wasps in Germany: way of life, behavior, distribution . 1st edition. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2 , pp. 289 f .
  2. Crossocerus. Fauna Europaea, accessed July 23, 2010 .


  • Manfred Blösch: The digger wasps in Germany: way of life, behavior, distribution . 1st edition. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2 .