Cry of Fear

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Cry of Fear
Cry of Fear Logo.jpeg
Studio Team Psykskallar
Senior Developer Andreas Roennberg
February 23, 2012 ( Mod )
April 25, 2013 (Standalone)
platform Microsoft Windows
Game engine Gold source
genre First person shooter , survival horror
Game mode Single player , co-op
control Mouse , keyboard
system advantages
  • Windows XP, Vista, 7
  • CPU: 1 GHz
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Graphics card: 128 MB
  • Required storage space: 5 GB
medium Download
language English, Swedish, German, Spanish, Dutch, French, Russian
Current version 1.6 (April 26, 2013)

Cry of Fear (literal translation: scream of fear ) is a survival horror game and the successor to Afraid of Monsters , a modification for the computer game Half-Life released in 1998 . It was officially released on February 23, 2012 by the Swedish game developer Team Psykskallar (Andreas Rönnberg and James Marchant). Rönnberg already developed the first mod for Half-Life, Afraid of Monsters . In Cry of Fear, the player plays the character of 19-year-old Simon Henriksson, who finds himself one night on the streets of Fäversholm (a replica of the Swedish capital Stockholm ) and tries to find a way home.

Cry of Fear received several awards from Mod DB in 2012 , including the main category Best Single Player Game of the Year and the Community Award . The mod also met with great interest in the United States , so that it has now been selected on Steam Greenlight and is offered there. In November 2012, an app for the iPhone was also released , but users of the official forum branded it as “fake” because this app has nothing to do with the actual mod. It was also speculated that the developers of the mod would file a lawsuit against Apple for copyright infringement .


The development of Cry of Fear was taken over by Team Psykskallar, who also developed the mods Afraid of Monsters (also a Half-Life -mod) and Resident Evil: Cold Blood . Cry of Fear took three and a half years to produce . The mod uses the Goldsource engine as well as Half-Life. In addition to Andreas Rönnberg, ten other developers were involved in creating the concept and developing the mod.

In a video cast and in the developer comments, Andreas Rönnberg and James Marchant reveal that some of the locations in Cry of Fear are based on real places in Stockholm, including the city park, the subway and vacant apartments.

Since April 23, 2013, the game can be downloaded free of charge from Steam . This became possible because fans of the mod in the community voted for this game. Since the release on Steam, Cry of Fear can be played without having to have the actual main game, Half-Life , installed. According to PC Games , Cry of Fear is a total conversion of Half-Life , but without using familiar elements from the main game. That is why the PC Games homepage regards Cry of Fear as an independent game. Compared to the previous version of the game, the current version displays a warning to players before playing.



"I've always felt alone my whole life, for as long as I can remember, I don't know if I like it ... or if I'm just used to it, but I do know this: Being lonely does things to you, and feeling shit and bitter and angry all the time just ... eats away at you. " ( "INTRODUCTION" (in the original "INTRODUCTION" ) in the main story , when the game starts)

"I've always felt alone for as long as I can remember. I'm not sure if I like it or if I'm just used to it, but one thing I do know for sure: being lonely leaves scars, and yourself all the time Feeling bitter, angry and shitty eats you up inside. " (Translation in the German language edition)

19-year-old Simon Henriksson is walking alone through Fäversholm one night. Suddenly he notices an injured man who comes crawling around a corner. Simon tries to help the injured when a car suddenly starts its engine some distance away. The car races straight into the two men and Simon is crushed. The young man survived the accident, but from now on is paraplegic from the legs and sits in a wheelchair. He also suffers from depression and panic disorder . His attending psychologist, Doctor Purnell, suggests a new cognitive treatment method: he should write down his emotions and current mood in a book in order to overcome the trauma.

Main storyline

The main plot is divided into 7 or 8 "chapters", which tell the story of Simon's book. The protagonist is the healthy Simon Henriksson, who is not in a wheelchair.

Initiation level

The first option to control Simon is given to the player in a pitch-dark house. Simon is equipped with a photo camera and photographs certain targets in the building. After a while, a screaming face appears out of the darkness and this part of the game ends.

Chapter 1: Lost in a City (Eng. "Chapter 1: Lost in a City")

Simon wakes up in an alley in Fäversholm that evening. The only thing he can remember is the car collision. Simon goes out of the alley and wanders aimlessly through the streets of the city. After a while he realizes that something is wrong with the city. So he is confronted with monsters who seek after his life. In addition, he is probably the only person in Fäversholm, with the exception of a man who lures Simon into an apartment house by text message , but is only found dead by the protagonist. After Simon has killed Sawer, the first boss, he meets a doctor with a gas mask , who is very shy towards Simon.

Chapter 2: Who is that Doctor? (Eng. "Chapter 2: Who is the doctor?")

Simon continues his journey through the now nocturnal Fäversholm. After a while he meets the doctor again, who crucified and beheaded another man. However, the protagonist cannot confront the doctor, as he flees and leaves Simon with Mace, the second boss. After Mace's death, Simon is confronted with psychosis for the first time , which manifests itself in several arms that reach for him as he is walking down a corridor. This event shakes the young man deeply and he decides to leave the city as soon as possible.

Chapter 3: The City is not Safe (Eng. "Chapter 3: The City is not Safe")

At some point in the course of his trip, Simon meets Sophie, a former classmate, on the roof of a house. After a long conversation with her, in which Sophie Simon confesses that she feels misunderstood by everyone, she commits suicide . Then Simon has to fight against Carcass, the third boss. However, there is also the possibility to flee from Carcass, which however affects the end of the action (see under "Alternative endings" ).

Chapter 4: Drowned in Sorrow (Eng. "Chapter 4: Drowned in Sorrow")

Simon decides to take the subway to the suburbs to get his mother to safety. However, since the train traffic is paralyzed, he embarks on a journey through the subway shafts to reach the next station. When the protagonist arrives at the destination, he notices the doctor who has killed a man again. Simon decides to pursue the doctor. However, this project ends for Simon in another psychosis, from which he can only escape lightly.

Chapter 5: Leaving this for Good (German "Chapter 5: Leaving this for good")

Simon gets on a train and heads for Kirkville to save his mother. During the trip, he lets everything he has experienced so far go through his head, but without being able to find out what is going on in Fäversholm. When Simon heard a noise, he explored the train and found a foot, which he put in a suitcase labeled "I WANT MY FEET BACK". Thereupon the train derails and threatens to fall into an abyss.

Chapter 6: It's not Over yet (Eng. "Chapter 6: It's not over yet")

Simon manages to escape from the wagon with the last of his strength. Without weapons or a cell phone, he has to find his way back home through a forest. In a closed insane asylum, Simon meets the doctor who is standing behind a barred gate and seems to be waiting for him. He promises Simon that he will open the gate if he brings him a loaded gun hidden in the building. Simon agrees and brings the weapon to the doctor, whereby the player - similar to the decision whether he would like to fight against Carcass - can decide whether the doctor should receive the pistol. The doctor shoots Simon in the upper arm after handing the protagonist the key. Then the medic disappears into the attic. The doctor dies shortly afterwards as Simon kills him after a gun battle.

Chapter 7: Only Safe at Home (Eng. "Chapter 7: Only Safe at Home")

Morning has broken and Simon manages to escape the woods and reach Kirkville, where he and his mother live. When he arrived at his house, instead of his mother, he only found his diary. The story written in this book ends with the discovery. This is followed by the - depending on the decisions of the player at Carcass and the Doctor - the final fight against the wheelchair-sitting or the Buch-Simon.

Chapter 8: My Life Ends Here (Eng. "Chapter 8: My Life Ends Here")

This is an additional chapter that is only available under certain conditions (see section "Alternative endings" ). In this chapter Simon fights against the "Sick Simon" and kills him.

Outside of the book, it means the real Simon Henriksson is committing suicide.

Alternative endings

Depending on the course of the story, the player can reach four different endings. These depend on the player's decision to kill Carcass and to get the fictional Doctor Purnell the weapon he asks for:

In the first end (it is achieved through Carcass' exemption and the distrust in the doctor in the clinic in the forest) the therapy fails and Simon develops a hatred of the world. He kills the real doctor in his apartment as his advice to write the book had a negative effect on Simon's healing and led him on the path to "self-destruction". Sophie is also killed by him. After finishing the book, he commits suicide. The bodies are later discovered by the police .

In the second ending (it is achieved when the player spares Carcass and hands over the weapon he wants to the doctor in the clinic), Simon shows respect for Purnell's efforts to help him, but comes to the conclusion that his life is useless . He recognizes himself as incapable of living with other people and solving problems. He kills Sophie in his home and then commits suicide.

The third end (here the player has to kill Carcass, but not give the doctor in the clinic his weapon to unlock it) is diametrically opposed to the second. He kills Purnell in his apartment, but spares Sophie. After a conversation in which Simon tells her that she was the only person in his life who could help him, he committed suicide by being shot in the head.

The fourth and "good" end is reached when the player kills Carcass and hands over the weapon he wants to the doctor in the clinic. He doesn't kill the doctor or Sophie, and he doesn't commit suicide. He realizes that he has suffered psychosis from his panic disorder . It is shown that Simon shot two police officers instead of his imagined self during the psychotic seizure. Due to a diagnosed psychosis, he is admitted to a mental institution for life , where he is given psychological care by Doctor Purnell, for which he is very grateful. Simon also mentions that Sophie visits him regularly at the clinic. He also reports that Sophie has found a new friend and wishes them both good luck.

In co-op mode , the player gets an ending that contradicts the actual Cry of Fear story. Here the police reach the scene of the accident where Simon was hit in good time and arrest the driver of the accident car. Simon can be saved and will not become disabled . Also at this end, Simon started a relationship with Sophie.

Secret ending

With Cry of Fear it is possible to unlock a secret ending. To do this, the player has to pick up an ominous package soon after the start and later throw it into a mailbox on Harbor Road and finish the game with the "good" ending. The end sequence of the secret ending shows who was responsible for the accident. It turns out that David Leatherhoff (the protagonist of Afraid of Monsters ) drove the car under the influence of drugs.

Items and functions to unlock

With Cry of Fear it is possible to activate various items (clothing, weapons, etc.), but also the Nightmare mode or the Doctor mode . Some items, such as clothing or pages from Simon's book, can partially be found in the course of the game. There is also an item of clothing for each of the 5 ends. The player can only unlock the custom hoodie by unlocking all other items of clothing in the game and then completing the game again, regardless of the level of difficulty. In addition, after playing through the game once, the opportunity is unlocked to listen to developer comments during the next game, which provide interesting background information.

It is possible to unlock four different weapons in Cry of Fear . The camera , David Leatherhoff's ax from Afraid of Monsters , Simon's book and a FAMAS . The camera requires the player to finish Cry of Fear in two and a half hours or less. A glitch in an earlier version of the game allowed this item to be unlocked without reaching the goal. With the new version this glitch has been removed. To receive Simon's book, the game must be completed in Nightmare mode with the highest grade. The player receives the FAMAS when he has completed the Nightmare mode, regardless of the end. The player can get the ax at the secret ending. For this he receives a multi-digit code that unlocks a door where the ax can be found.

The Nightmare mode is playable if the player Cry of Fear has played through once at least. This is the game in the highest difficulty level. The monsters are a lot stronger and there are fewer objects (weapons, syringes) available. In addition, you can only save a maximum of five times.

The Doctor Mode ( Eng . "Doctor Mode") is also activated after the first play through. In it, the player slips into the role of Dr. Purnell. The aim is to stop Simon from writing his book. The player starts in the middle of the city and has a Colt with limited ammo. He also meets the monsters from the main game. The difficulty in Doctor mode is that there is no way to find and save new healing items. Completing this game mode unlocks the doctor's gas mask in the game, which serves as a night vision device .

Custom Campaign

The Custom Campaign (Eng. "Guest Campaign ") offers the possibility to play side missions. These are not necessarily related to the main storyline and offer new locations and opponents. So far there are the following side missions:

  • Memories
  • Halloween collaboration
  • Community Collab
  • HER
  • iSolation demo
  • Out of It demo
  • Hotel Terror
  • Recidivist
  • SDK Campaign
  • The Hole 1.4
  • The stairway
  • Scrolls of Shaimoon 1.2
  • Manhunt



Simon Henriksson

See also "Book Simon" and "Sick Simon"

Simon is the protagonist of Cry of Fear . He is 19 years old and lives with his mother in Kirkville, a suburb of Fäversholm. He is in a wheelchair because his legs are paralyzed after being hit by a car. Since then he has suffered from depression and panic disorders . From his attending physician, Dr. Purnell, Simon is given the opportunity to write his feelings down in a book in order to get over the trauma . He is in love with Sophie, a former classmate, who has turned him down. The speaker is Stig Sydtangen from Mod DB.

Doctor Purnell

Doctor Purnell is one of the antagonists and Simon's attending physician. In the real game, Doctor Purnell is responsible for Simon's recovery. He advises Simon to write down his feelings in a book in order to overcome his trauma. Purnell will take care of Simon in the sanatorium (at the "good" end) . He is spoken by Lasse Holmen ( Mod DB ).


Sophie is a good friend of Simon's. It is not known how the two met, but in the course of the story she tells that she was the victim of bullying at school and that Simon was the only person who was nice to her. Sophie is considerate in his mind, but in reality she left Simon just before the accident. In the good end, she visits Simon regularly in the hospital. She is being dubbed by Aina Hatlevik.

The cops

The cops belong to the Swedish police and they don't appear in the actual story, but in co-op mode at the end. You save Simon and arrest the fugitive driver so that the real story does not come about. The cops are spoken by Ian Wiese.



The "Sawer" (from English saw for saw , also "Säger" ) is the first boss . It owes its name to the chainsaw that he carries with him. He is a long, skeletal creature with several nails sticking out of its face.


Mace (English for "club" ) is the second boss opponent. He looks like a giant mummy with a blackjack in one hand . Mace shows up after the doctor beheaded a man with a saw. Mace is immune to firearms.


Carcass (English for " cadaver " ), the third boss in the game, appears immediately after Sophie's suicide. He has an amputated body that sits on a chair and floats in the air thanks to a kind of hot air balloon . Carcass is the only boss opponent the player can escape from, which leads to a "bad" ending. It is said that Carcass could be a metaphor for Simon's fears.

"The Doctor" (Doctor Purnell)

"The Doctor" is the main antagonist. It's an imagination based on Doctor Purnell's. He wears a gas mask and has a distorted voice. In the course of the story, Simon and the doctor meet more and more often, with the doctor killing other people wandering around Fäversholm at two of these meetings, because they apparently do not want to cooperate with him.

In Chapter 6, Simon has to get the doctor a gun that is in a derelict clinic. In return, Simon promises to open the door. Simon kills the medic in a gun battle after he shot Simon in the shoulder. After the doctor's death, the night is over and morning has come.

"Book Simon" and "Sick Simon"

The "real" final boss is "Book Simon" (Eng. "Book Simon"). This is the character that the player played during the plot, with the difference that this is covered in blood in the final fight. He is the boss in the "good" end and is fought in this by "Sick Simon". In some missions of the Custom Campaign "Book Simon" made a few short appearances. Furthermore, it is comparable to The Addiction from Afraid of Monsters and represents a kind of "inner demon ". If "Book Simon" dies in the fight against "Sick Simon", Simon Henriksson remains alive outside the book, realizes his psychosis and becomes admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

"Sick Simon" (Eng. "Sick Simon") is the final boss at the "bad" ending. He is a manifestation of the real Simon Henrikssons in the main story. He is strangled by "Book Simon" in the final fight, which also results in his death. Outside of the book, the death of "Sick Simons" results in the suicide of Simon Henriksson because - in his work - he kills his paralyzed literary ego.


Sawrunner is an opponent that occurs frequently in the game, who can be killed by the player, but does not intend this and can therefore only be achieved with great effort. The protagonist always has to flee from this boss. Sawrunner is announced in the story by screams and chainsaw noises.

In co - op mode , it is possible to kill Sawrunner, even if this project seems almost impossible due to his high life indicator.


Cry of Fear won several awards in 2012. The mod won the Community Award and the Best Single Player Game of the Year category , both awarded by Community Mod DB . Cry of Fear also reached 2nd place in the Best Mod category and came third in the Mod of the Year category .

Christine Donath from voted Cry of Fear 7th among the best free horror games . The readers of rated the mod extremely positively with 94 points. The mod was also inducted into the Mod Hall of Fame .

  • Mod DB Awards (including MOTY Players Choice )
    • 2011: Best Upcoming Mod of the Year 2011 , won (Players Choice)
    • 2012: Community Award , won
    • 2012: Best single player game , won
    • 2012: Best Mod , 2nd place
    • 2012: Mod of the year , 3rd place
    • 2012: Scariest Game of the Year 2012

There are also three soundtracks. An official soundtrack for the game, one for Cry of Fear: Memories and one for Cry of Fear: Manhunt . The three soundtracks are available as MP3 downloads on CD Baby .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cry of Fear - Released. In: Cry of Fear, Forum. February 23, 2012, accessed July 1, 2017 .
  2. ^ Cry of Fear, Steam. Retrieved July 1, 2017 .
  3. Cry of Fear now released on Steam! In: Cry of Fear, Forum. April 26, 2013, accessed July 1, 2017 .
  4. PC Games : Cry of Fear: A Nightmare Turned into Game - Download Half-Life-Mod now and fear
  5. Cry of Fear
  6. Topic: Cry Of Fear iOS fake release?
  7. a b c Half-Life Mods - Cry of Fear: Who wants to be scared?
  8. Faustin: Indie Game Review: Cry Of Fear. In: Screwattack. Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC., Accessed April 7, 2018 (English): "He formed a team of less than 10 people and got started on a new project, an indie horror mod called Cry of Fear."
  9. Cry of Fear - Videocast 7 on YouTube
  10. PC Games : Cry of Fear: Half-Life's Total Conversion Available Today on Steam - Launch Trailer Released
  11. a b c Christine Donath: : The 10 best free horror games - terribly good! - Cry of Fear
  12. a b c d What the FUCK is going on? ( Spoiler alert)
  13. : Unlockables (Cry of Fear)
  14. a b c d e f g h i j k All information can be found on (Caution! Spoiler warning!)
  15. Cry of Fear awards
  16. Moddb: Mod of the year 2012 - The winners
  17. Cry of Fear
  18. Mod Hall of Fame (see 2012)
  19. Welcome to the Players Choice - Upcoming Top 5 Award for Mod of the Year 2011
  20. Cry of Fear "Scariest game of 2012"
  21. Andreas Rönnberg - Cry of Fear Official Soundtrack
  22. Andreas Rönnberg - Cry of Fear Lost Tracks & Memories