Détachement d'Occupation des Chemins de fer Français

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The Détachement d'Occupation des Chemins de fer Français (DOCF) was the railway supervisory authority of the French zone of occupation after the end of the Second World War .


The DOCF was established on August 1, 1945 with its headquarters in Speyer . It took over the railway supervision from the American military , which at the end of the war initially also occupied the areas of the German Reich from which the French occupation zone was formed on July 28, 1945. This happened on August 15, 1945 in the area of ​​the Mainz Railway Directorate .


The DOCF consisted of French railway specialists. The three Reichsbahn divisions Karlsruhe , Mainz and Saarbrücken (from 1947: Trier) were assigned to the DOCF . The new names were "Railway Directorate" and their borders were adapted to the French zone of occupation.

Employees of the DOCF sat in both the railway directorates and in the middle departments to supervise the German railway workers. In 1945, the three administrative districts were initially each treated as an independent railway administration.


During the autumn of 1945, the French occupying power considered it necessary to have a joint head for the three directorates in their sovereign area. From December 17, 1945 in Speyer began to set up a senior management of the German railways of the French occupied zone (ODE). However, the project failed in the spring of 1946 and the head of the DOCF issued an order on June 13, 1946, with which the management of the railroad was reorganized: The head of the DOCF took the management of the railroad into his own hands, the supervisory authority became so even a "senior management". The head of the DOCF was advised by the newly created liaison office for the German railways in the French-occupied zone (VADE). In practice, however, it was the case that VADE was increasingly entrusted with the tasks of a "senior management".

When, on July 1, 1947, the Association of the South-West German Railways (SWDE) was founded as a joint railway administration for the three countries that had meanwhile emerged in the French zone - the DOCF was again based in Speyer - the task of the DOCF as a railway supervisory authority was no longer applicable (this was now the responsibility of the states ) as well as "senior management". The latter function was now carried out by a directorate-general.


  • Friedrich Wachtel: Legal and organizational development of the railway in the French occupation zone . In: Bundesbahndirektion Mainz (Ed.): The Bundesbahndirektion Mainz. Festschrift for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Mainz Railway Directorate . Carl Röhrig, Darmstadt 1956 = special print from Die Bundesbahn 22/1956, pp. 23–28.


  1. For the railways in South Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern
  2. For the railways in Rheinhessen , the Palatinate and the French-occupied areas to the right of the Rhine ( Westerwald and Lahntal ).
  3. ^ For the railways in the southern part of the former Prussian Rhine Province .
  4. When the Saar Protectorate was separated from Germany on April 1, 1947 , the lines in the Kaiserslautern area came from the responsibility of the Saarbrücken Directorate to the Mainz Railway Directorate (Wachtel: Legal and organizational development , p. 23). The remaining routes in Germany were combined in the Reich Railway Directorate Trier (Wachtel: Legal and organizational development , p. 26).

Individual evidence

  1. Wachtel: Legal and organizational development , p. 23f.
  2. a b Wachtel: Legal and organizational development , p. 23
  3. a b Wachtel: Legal and organizational development , p. 24
  4. Wachtel: Legal and organizational development , p. 25
  5. Wachtel: Legal and organizational development , p. 27