Dune-stem bovist

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Dune-stem bovist
Tulostoma kotlabae.jpg

Dune-stem bovist ( Tulostoma kotlabae )

Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Mushroom relatives (Agaricaceae)
Genre : Stielboviste ( Tulostoma )
Type : Dune-stem bovist
Scientific name
Tulostoma kotlabae

The dune stalk bovist ( Tulostoma kotlabae ) is a type of mushroom from the mushroom relatives .


Macroscopic features

The dune-stem bovist has spherical stalked fruiting bodies, the inner shell of which with the spore sac is up to 8 mm in diameter. The outer shell, the exopperidia, is made up of thin hyphae mixed with grains of sand. This layer is only permanent at the base. The inner shell, the endoperidia, is also quite thin. It is whitish to greyish, sometimes wood-colored. The opening is short cylindrical, small and narrow without a darker halo. The base is separated from the stem, the gleba is ocher to yellowish. The stem is up to 5 cm high, sticky and whitish. It becomes cracked when it is dry.

Microscopic features

The spores are irregularly spherical, fine-pitched and 4.3 to 5.4 (up to 6) micrometers wide. The scalp is hyaline , branched and septate , the threads are thick-walled.

Species delimitation

The dune-stem bovist is similar to the teat-stem bovist ( Tulostoma brumale ), but has an elongated opening. Its spores are also different. In addition, the Der Dünen-Stielbovist only has a very local distribution.

Ecology and diffusion

The dune-stem bovist is known from Europe (southern France and Hungary to Juist, Rügen, Poland and southern Sweden) and Central Asia, in Germany it is rarely found in very gappy dry grasslands.


The German name alludes to the natural location. The scientific name honors the Czech mycologist František Kotlaba .



Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Jorge E. Wright: The Genus Tulostoma / Gasteromycetes: A World Monograph . In: Bibliotheca Mycologica . tape 2 . Lubrecht & Cramer Ltd, 1987, ISBN 3-443-59014-4 , pp. 338 ( mycobank.org [accessed May 1, 2015]).