Dan Frazer

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Dan Frazer (born November 20, 1921 in New York City , † December 16, 2011 there ) was an American actor .


Frazer grew up as one of ten children in New York's Hell's Kitchen neighborhood . He made his theatrical debut at the age of 14. After the Second World War he played on Broadway , and in 1949 he stood in front of the camera for the first time. In the 1950s and 1960s Frazer took part in television series such as the Phil Silvers Show (1956), Car 54, Please Report (1961) or Die Unbrechlichen (1963). This was followed by roles in movies such as Lilien auf dem Felde (1963), Woody, der Unglücksrabe (1969) and Bananas (1971).

Through his role as police chief in the film Death Comes on Quiet (1972), the producers of Kojak - Einsatz in Manhattan (1973–1978) became aware of Frazer. He was promptly cast and played his best-known role as Kojak's boss and friend, Frank McNeil, in the crime series. In the following Kojak television films , Frazer only appeared once in the film "Murder in Exile", which, along with the absence of Det. Crocker ( Kevin Dobson ) and Stavros ( George Savalas ), is considered to be one of the reasons why the films do not appear were able to build on the success of the series.

From 1989 to 1996 Frazer starred in a recurring role in the soap opera As the World Turns and made several appearances on the Law & Order series.

Filmography (selection)

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