Dan Simonescu

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Dan Simonescu (* 10. December 1902 in Câmpulung ; † 11. March 1993 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian linguist , Rumänist and book scientist.

life and work

Simonescu attended high school in Piteşti . He studied at the University of Bucharest (as a student of Ioan Bianu and later Nicolae Cartojan ). His thesis from 1925 was entitled Viața literară și culturală a mănăstirii (Muscel) în trecut (Câmpulung 1926, Bucharest 2010). Then he was an assistant and librarian in the university and academy departments. In 1938 he received his doctorate with the thesis Literatura română de ceremonial. Condica lui Gheorgachi. 1762 (Bucharest 1939). In 1941 he went to the University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași and became a professor there in 1942. From 1947 he headed the "Titu Maiorescu" college of education in Bucharest. From 1953 to 1968 he was a researcher at the Historical Institute "Nicolae Iorga". From 1968 until his retirement in 1972 he was still a professor in the Bucharest faculty for Romanian language and literature.

Simonescu was an honorary member of the Romanian Academy (1992).

Works (selection)

  • Le roman populaire dans la littérature roumaine médiévale , Bucharest 1965
  • (with Victor Petrescu) Tîrgoviște - vechi centru tipografic românesc. Studiu monografic cu repertoriul cărților vechi tipărite la Tîrgoviște și catalogul colecției Muzeului ʺCarte românească vecheʺ , Tîrgoviște 1972
  • (Ed.) Codex aureus , Bucharest 1972
  • (Ed.) Codex Burgundus , Bucharest 1975
  • (with Gheorghe Buluta) Pagini din istoria cărții româneşti , Bucharest 1981
  • (with Gheorghe Buluta) Scurta istorie a cărții românești , Bucharest 1994


  • Centenar Dan Simonescu. Cartea și biblioteca contribuții la istoria cultruii Românești , ed. by Gheorghe Buluță and Victor Petrescu, Târgovişte 2002

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