Dana Gioia

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Dana Gioia

Michael Dana Gioia (born December 24, 1950 in Hawthorne / California ) is an American poet, essayist and literary critic.

Gioia studied literature at Stanford University (Bachelor 1973) and until 1975 comparative literature with Robert Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Bishop at Harvard University in 1977 he earned a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University . He then started working for General Foods in White Plains, where he rose to become vice president.

During this time he was already publishing poems and essays in magazines, especially in The New Yorker and The Hudson Review . His first volume of poetry, Daily Horoscope , was published in 1986. In 1991, The Atlantic Monthley published his essay Can Poetry Matter . This was the title of his first collection of essays Can Poetry Matter ?: Essays on Poetry and American Culture , which was among the finalists of the National Book Critics Award for reviews in 1992 . His second volume of poetry, The Gods of Winter , was also published in 1991 ,

In 1992 he left General Foods to devote himself entirely to literature. Further volumes of poetry and essays were created. Gioia also wrote two opera librettos ( Nosferatu , 1998 and Tony Caruso's Final Broadcast , 2008), translated Eugenio Montales Mottetti (1990), was co-editor of two anthologies of Italian poetry and editor of four textbooks for literary instruction . With Interrogations at Noon he won the American Book Award in 2002 .

In 2001, in Santa Rosa, Gioa organized the Teaching Poetry conference , which was devoted to promoting higher education in poetry. He has also taught as a guest author at Colorado College , Johns Hopkins University , Sarah Lawrence College , Mercer University and Wesleyan University, among others . From 2003 to 2009 he headed the National Endowment for the Arts . In 2011 he became Judge Widney Professor of Poetry and Public Culture at the University of Southern California . In 2015, he was honored as the Poet Laureate of the State of California.


  • Daily Horoscope (Graywolf Press, 1986)
  • The Gods of Winter (Graywolf Press, 1991)
  • Can poetry matter? Essays on Poetry and American Culture (Graywolf Press, 1992)
  • Interrogations at Noon (Graywolf Press, 2001)
  • Barrier of a Common Language: An American Looks at Contemporary British Poetry (University of Michigan Press, 2003)
  • Disappearing Ink: Poetry at the End of Print Culture (Graywolf Press, 2004)
  • Pity the Beautiful (Graywolf Press, 2012)
  • 99 Poems: New & Selected (Graywolf Press, 2016)

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