Daniel Heinrich Willy

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Daniel Heinrich Willy (born November 1, 1786 in Sarepta in the Astrakhan governorate; † March 12, 1861 in Achern ) was a German lawyer and university professor.


Daniel Heinrich Willy came from a German family in Sarepta, a village of the Moravian Brethren in the Russian governorate of Astrakhan that was established in 1765 . In the winter semester of 1807/1808 he began studying law at the University of Heidelberg , where he became a member of the Corps Curonia Heidelberg. From 1813 to 1817 Willy worked as a private legal teacher ( repetitor ) and as a collaborator at the Heidelberg University Library . In 1817 he was awarded a doctorate in Heidelberg without a dissertation. jur. PhD. In 1819 he became associate professor and in 1821 full professor of law in Heidelberg. However, due to the influence of Karl Salomo Zachariae, he had neither a seat nor a vote, nor any examination rights. His salary was correspondingly low, which barely enabled him to pay off his debts from his studies. And the eccentric lawyer Karl Eduard Morstadt , a staunch opponent of the Heidelberg professor Carl Joseph Anton Mittermaier , went so far in an early type of competitor dispute in 1834 even on the law school in Heidelberg was not staffed properly with five professors, because, among other things Willy most Titularprofessor was . Willy had to give up teaching in 1843 because of a mental illness and spent the rest of his life in the Illenau insane asylum in Achern, which was newly built in 1842 .


  • Collection of passages from the sources of Roman law , Heidelberg 1834


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener corps lists 1910 , 111 , 6
  2. Sebastian Baur: Before four hell judges ...: the licentiate and doctoral doctorates at the Law Faculty of the University of Heidelberg , Peter Lang, 2009, p. 125 (digitized version)
  3. Sebastian Baur (2009), p. 169 (digitized version)
  4. Klaus-Peter Schroeder (2010), p. 150 ff .; Hans Scherrer:  Morstadt, K. Eduard . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 22, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1885, pp. 329-339.
  5. Klaus-Peter Schroeder: Various scenes from the eventful life of the notorious Heidelberg law professor Karl Eduard Morstadt in: Stefan Chr. Saar (ed.): Law as an inheritance and task: Heinz Holzhauer on April 21, 2005 , Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2005, P. 223