Daniel L. Vischer

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Daniel Lucas Vischer (born December 12, 1932 in Lausanne ) is a Swiss hydraulic engineer . From 1970 to 1998 he was Professor of Hydraulic Engineering and Director of the Research Institute for Hydraulic Engineering, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) at the ETH Zurich .

Live and act

Vischer stands in the tradition of an old Basel family and is the son of Pastor Paul Vischer and Elisabeth born. Gouttes, grew up in the canton of Bern and studied civil engineering at the ETH Zurich from 1952 to 1956 . He then enrolled as a graduate engineer at the TH Karlruhe and received his doctorate in 1958 under Heinrich Wittmann in the field of hydromechanics . Even before his doctorate, he took up a position at Motor-Columbus AG in Baden im Aargau at the end of 1957 , where he mainly worked as an engineer in the fields of hydraulic engineering and tunnel construction . In this position, his field of activity was not limited to Switzerland, but also extended to emerging and developing countries around the world. In 1963 he took over the management of a project planning group for hydraulic engineering and in 1967 received the power of attorney. Appointed chief engineer and department head in 1968, he was given responsibility for general water management planning and dam planning .

Vischer's specialist knowledge and competence in the field of water management did not go unnoticed by his alma mater , and so just two years after his appointment as department head at Motor-Columbus AG, he was appointed a full hydraulic engineering professor and director of the VAW at ETH Zurich offered. On April 1, 1970, he took up his new post and from then on, in addition to his lectures, devoted himself to research on the entire spectrum of hydraulic engineering. This ranged from the hydromechanically expedient design of water structures, the hydromorphological bed load movements, as well as the emergence and spread of natural hazards, in particular floods and surge waves in inland waters. In addition, Vischer was committed to the history of technology and published on the history of hydraulic engineering

In 1986, Vischer way as a visiting professor at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch ( New Zealand ), 1991 he received from the University of Stuttgart , the honorary doctorate awarded to 1994 he was a visiting professor at the Technical University of Dresden . Vischer was President of the Swiss National Committee for Large Dams , a member of the Federal Commission on Natural Hazards (PLANAT) and President of the Board of Trustees of the ETH Zurich's Schnitter Fund for the History of Technology.

Fonts (selection)

  • With Huber A .: Hydraulic engineering. Hydrological basics, elements of hydraulic engineering, utility and protective water structures , Berlin: Springer, 1978; 6th edition 2002, ISBN 3-540-43713-4 .
  • With Hager WH , Naef F .: flood retention basin , Zurich: Verl. Der Fachvereine, 1992.
  • Edited with Hager WH: Energy dissipators , Rotterdam: Balkema, 1995, ISBN 90-5410-198-9 .
  • With Hager WH: Dam hydraulics , Chichester: Wiley, 1998, ISBN 0-471-97289-4 .
  • Hydraulic engineers and hydraulic engineers in Switzerland: short biographies of selected personalities , Baden: Swiss Water Management Association, 2001, ISBN 3-85545-859-6 .


Web links


  1. Bruno Meyer: Daniel Vischer. Historical Lexicon Switzerland, July 31, 2013, accessed on April 8, 2020 .
  2. a b c Robert M. Boes: Daniel L. Vischer 80 years. Semantic Scholar, 2012, accessed April 8, 2020 .
  3. surge wave. Spectrum of Science , accessed April 8, 2020 .
  4. ^ Karl-Eugen Kurrer : Report on the State of Construction History in Austria, Germany and Switzerland . In: Construction History. Research Perspectives in Europe, ed. By Antonio Becchi, Massimo Corradi, Federico Foce and Orietta Pedemonte, pp. 61–112 (here pp. 110–111), Florence: Kim Williams Books 2004, ISBN 88-88479-11-2
  5. Welcome. Swiss Dam Committee, accessed on April 9, 2020 .
  6. Dealing with risks from natural hazards. National Platform for Natural Hazards PLANAT, accessed on April 9, 2020 .
  7. ^ Nüesch: Regulations for the Gerold and Niklaus Schnitter Fund for the History of Technology of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. (PDF) Schnitter Fund, January 10, 1995, accessed April 9, 2020 .