Daniel Oertli

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Daniel Oertli (* 18th February 1824 in Gais ; † 27. April 1911 ibid ; heimatberechtigt in Hundwil and St. Gallen ) was a Swiss architect , architect and pioneer of the Swiss firefighting from Appenzell Outer Rhodes .


Daniel Oertli was a son of Daniel Oertle, weaver , and Ursula Bruderer, weaver. In 1852 he married Anna Katharina Biser, daughter of Johannes Biser, Weber. He completed apprenticeships as a weaver, carpenter and carpenter in Gais in connection with the drawing school in St. Gallen. From 1852 to 1856 he worked as a self-employed master carpenter in Gais and Teufen . From 1856 to 1871 he was a builder and architect in Herisau . From 1871 to 1889 he owned a major construction and carpentry business in St. Gallen. He employed up to 200 workers. His two sons continued this business. From 1889 he had a small construction company in Gais.

Oertli was a pioneer in the Swiss fire service. As a rescue corps chairman , he created the first modern fire brigade in Herisau in 1861 with the Turner rescue corps. From 1861 to 1869 and 1870 to 1872 he was their chairman. He invented fire extinguishing tools, including the so-called buck. In 1889 he initiated the first Swiss fire brigade festival in Herisau. In 1870 he was a co-founder of the Appenzell and Swiss Fire Brigade Associations. From 1870 to 1876 he sat on the central committee of the Swiss Fire Brigade Association.


  • Daniel Oertli's obituary notice. In: Appenzeller Zeitung of April 29, 1911, third sheet, vol. 84, no. 100, p. 3.
  • Anniversary report for the 50th anniversary of the Herisau rescue corps, 1911.

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