The house next door

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German title The house next door
Original title The House Next Door
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2006
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Jeff Woolnough
script Jeff Woolnough
production Wendy Grean
music Andrew Lockington
camera David Herrington
cut Mike Lee

The house next door (original title: The House Next Door ) is an American mystery thriller from 2006 and is based on the novel of the same name by Anne Rivers Siddons . Directed by Jeff Woolnough . The film was released on DVD in Germany on May 29, 2007 .


Col Kennedy and her husband Walker live on Long Branch Road, a fine neighborhood with friendly neighbors. Nobody in the settlement is thrilled when the small forest next to the Kennedy's house is cut down and a house is built instead. The new house is a particularly eye-catching, ornate building designed by the young architect Kim.

Col and Walker quickly make friends with the owners of the house, the young couple Pie and Buddy Harrelson, who are expecting children. However, since the house was completed, the architect Kim has looked strangely dejected. He has the feeling that there is something strange in the house that does not come from him. Since the house was built, he has no more ideas for other projects. Owners Pie and Buddy also express discomfort to Col about the house, especially after their dog was mysteriously killed. An inexplicable catastrophe finally occurs at the inauguration party of the house: Buddy pushes Pie down the stairs, whereupon she loses her child. When Buddy is taken away by the police, he is completely confused and does not understand how he was able to commit this terrible act.

Next, the couple Anita and Client, who lost their son in the Iraq war, will move into the house. Soon Anita begins to suffer from visions in which she begs her deceased son for help. Col also witnesses one of these visions and now firmly believes in the existence of an evil force in the house. Finally, Anita takes her own life.

When the house is up for sale again, Kim returns from a long trip. Col tells him about the events and they visit the empty house together. Col suspects the house is what makes people's greatest fears come true. When Kim asks her what her greatest fear is, she suddenly starts kissing him. This is observed by Walker through the window and he attacks the two with a knife. Only after Col has lured him a few meters away from the house do they come to and realize that they were under the influence of the house. The two of them almost felt their greatest fear and lost each other.

Col wants to prevent more people from dying in the house, but she also knows that no one will believe the truth. When the married couple Suzannah and Josh move into the house with their little daughter Belinda, Col tries to get in touch with the family, especially Belinda, so that he can intervene in an emergency. Soon Josh's already existing love of order begins to increase immeasurably and he is terrorizing his family. One night, Belinda flees to Col and Walker when Josh threatens his wife Suzannah with a gun. Before Walker can intervene, however, Suzannah manages to get the gun. She shoots her husband and then kills herself.

To Cols and Walker's astonishment, the next owner of the house turns out to be Kim. The architect shows exaggerated arrogance and denies ever having believed in anything bad in the house. Col and Walker are now determined to destroy the house. They break into the house during the night and let gas escape, but are surprised by Kim. There is a fight and finally the house explodes.

Kim did not survive the explosion, which the authorities classify as an accident. Col and Walker adopted Belinda and left the neighborhood with her.

At the end, an architect shows a couple the blueprints for a house that he took over from a colleague. It's Kim's plans for the infamous house. The unsuspecting couple is delighted.


Niamh Wilson was nominated for a Young Artist Award for Best Supporting Actress .


Film adaptation of Anne Rivers Siddons' second novel, which Stephen King named one of the best haunted house stories ever written when it was published in 1978. Colin Ferguson and Lara Flynn Boyle strive as the persecuted Kennedy couple in a sometimes somewhat predictable, but in any case thin script. "

- Video Week

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for the house next door . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , April 2007 (PDF; test number: 109 804 V / DVD).