The burning dish

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German title The burning dish
Original title La Chambre ardente
Country of production Italy , France
original language French
Publishing year 1962
length 110 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Julien Duvivier
script John Dickson Carr
Julien Duvivier
Charles Spaak
production Ralph Baum
Julien Duvivier
Yvon Guézel
music Georges Auric
camera Roger Fellous
cut Paul Cayatte
Nicole Colombier

The Burning Court (original title: La Chambre ardente) is a French - Italian horror thriller by Julien Duvivier .


The members of a French aristocratic family suffer the revenge of a witch in a castle in the Black Forest who fell victim to the Inquisition centuries ago . Dark, romantic horror film based on the classic "Who is the culprit" game.

Marc Desgrez and his wife Lucie spend their vacation at their castle in Bavaria with their old uncle Mathias. You are waiting for the inheritance. The old man lives alone with his carer Myra, three servants and his friend Dr. Hermann. The two men, descendants of witch hunters, believe in witchcraft. Marc's homosexual brother Stephane and the Boissard couple also come to the castle. On the evening of a costume ball, for which Stéphane disguises himself as a woman, Mathias nurse prepares a medicine for her master: the next morning he is dead. Was she the woman in white who walked through the hallways at night? Since Stéphane is disinherited, he suspects Lucie to be the murderer. Every woman in the castle, including the disguised Stéphane, could be the “lady in white”. A call to the police denounced Lucie. However, Marc and Lucie decide to subject the uncle's body to an autopsy. But the body has disappeared and shortly afterwards the gardener claims to have seen him at the burial chapel. Marc believes in witchcraft, but then Myra confesses that she wanted to marry the old man. Marc strangles Myra. Lucie, who has been temporarily arrested, is now free again.


The film premiered on February 16, 1962 in Germany. The film was released on March 7th and March 30th of the same year in its production countries, Italy and France.


“Dark, romantic entertainment film; a neat mixture of criminalistic game and occult horror cinema. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Burning Judgment. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed November 25, 2018 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used