The little pig

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The small Schweinderl ( Austrian diminutive for pig ) is the common in the Austrian language expression and a generic brand for the unnamed domestic pig - piglets , which since 2005 as a testimonial for the Austrian supermarket chain Billa and their trademark  " Yes! Naturally «  as a guarantee for sustainable and organic food" advertises in TV spots .


The changing “piglet actors” of the “forever young piglet” (see also there ) are trained by the film animal trainer Karl Lang . In the commercials - as is usual with other film animal operations - different piglets appear for different tasks. Annual three advertising films are made, which quickly becoming too large pigs do not end up in slaughterhouses , but are at selected organic farmers courtyards for around 500 euros per year and pig "pensioned".

According to the advertising company, the subject of the spots is a "cheeky but inquisitive pig that always has many clever questions for the farmer". Every commercial begins with the phrase , “spoken” by the synchronized piggy, “Sharpen your pig's ears, let's go!” And ends with the advertising slogan as the phrase “Yes! Of course ” . For this purpose, a pig is filmed while it is eating and the chewing movements are accompanied by the dubbing voice of the advertiser Rosa Haider-Merlicek.

In addition to “Schweinderl”, actor Wolfgang Lesky has appeared in the role of a farmer in a red checkered shirt since the first episode . Since he wears glasses in his private life, he is seldom recognized on the street. In the commercials he enters into a dialogue with the "piglet" and addresses it as a "piglet". His voice is recorded directly during the shoot .

The director of all episodes is the Austrian director Stefan Ruzowitzky , who also directed the Oscar-winning film The Counterfeiters .

The advertising line was conceived by the Austrian advertising agency Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann . The spots (or their creators) received awards, such as the Effie Award in gold and platinum , the State Prize for Advertising and the ORF advertising drum in silver. The advertising agency Merlicek & Partner has been responsible for the commercials since 2018 .


It is criticized that with these commercials " agriculture is depicted from a belittling, romantic, but by no means existing in reality" side.


As is usual with films , some foods used as props outside the picking season are sometimes imitations ( e.g. raspberries in May).


The popular commercial broadcast is often parodied satirically :

“The little pig is cute as it sniffs on the ground. "You, farmer" asks it, "will I still be slaughtered this year?" Then the farmer chews on his blade of grass and replies: "Yes of course!"

- Egyd Gstättner : Hansi Hinterseer saves the world. Satiren , Amalthea Signum Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-902-86222-8 ( limited preview in Google book search)
  • Daily press satire “Yes! Of course, “pig flashes off demanding a raise.

Web links

Katharina Seiser: Alles Roger PDF file , Maxima magazine, October 2008, accessed January 2018.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alois Grasböck: Pigs in conversation ; Konsument magazine 05/2013, at
  2. Yes, Joschka! at
  3. a b c d e f g h Katharina Seiser: Alles Roger PDF file , Maxima magazine, October 2008, accessed in January 2018
  4. ^ Stefanie Ruep: Sanctuary instead of slaughterhouse; After three days of work in the pig pension ; at
  5. Bettina Figl: The pig is getting fatter , at
  6. Our main actors , company website from
  7. Sascha Bunda: Merlicek & Grossebner and Yes! Of course: Schweinderl returns home at Retrieved July 19, 2020.
  8. Mersiha Kasupovic: Mayerl attacks Billa in an open letter at
  9. "Yes! Of course, “pig flashes off demanding a raise at
  10. No “green paint” at
  11. Yes, Joschka! at