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Coat of arms of the Lords of Daun-Falkenstein, detail from the family epitaph in the Marienthal monastery church (Palatinate)

The Daun-Falkenstein were a branch of the Daun family and owners of the county of Falkenstein .


The Daun family named themselves after the city ​​of the same name in what is now the Vulkaneifel district near Koblenz , south of the Hohe Eifel on the Lieser river .

The lineage of the family begins around 1450 after the older free lords of the von Daun family died out in 1163 and a servant of this family, Richardus de Duna , took over the name of his former lords and the coat of arms with the Daun lattice. For centuries they ruled from the Dauner Burg under the suzerainty of the Trier Elector over numerous localities in the Eifel-Moselle region.

Wirich von Daun-Oberstein ("Wirich V." , † 1546), a son of Melchior von Daun-Oberstein and nephew of Archbishop Philipp von Daun-Oberstein , made a name for himself as a diplomat and military commander at the beginning of the 16th century . Through descent, marriage and his own merits, he became master of the city of Daun, master of Falkenstein , Oberstein , Linnep , Broich and Bürgel and owned shares in the county of Limburg . Emperor Maximilian I raised Wirich's rule of Falkenstein to a county in 1518 , whereupon it was able to develop even more to the center of his sphere of power and influence. Wirich and his descendants have called themselves the "Lords of Daun-Falkenstein" since then.

In 1546 Wirich had his family come to Falkenstein to take care of his inheritance. On May 8, a contract was drawn up in which his sons Johann († 1579) should inherit the county of Falkenstein and Philip II († 1554) the dominions of Oberstein, Broich and Bürgel. The property ownership was thus split up and only reunited in one hand in 1636, when Wilhelm Wirich von Daun-Falkenstein was awarded the county of Falkenstein by the will of his third degree uncle, Franz Christoph von Daun-Oberstein. In 1667 Wilhelm Wirich von Daun-Falkenstein sold the now impoverished County of Falkenstein to Duke Charles IV of Lorraine ; With his death in 1682, the Daun-Falkenstein line of the Daun family in the male line became extinct. The County of Falkenstein finally came to the Austrian Imperial House of Habsburg-Lothringen through Charles IV of Lothringen and Franz Stephan von Lothringen through his marriage to Maria Theresa in 1736 . Since 1782 it has been administered as Oberamt Winnweiler by the front Austrian government in Freiburg im Breisgau .


  • Wirich V. († 1546), Lord of Daun, Falkenstein , Oberstein , Linnep , Broich , Bürgel and Limburg . When his property was divided up, Oberstein, Broich and Bürgel fell to in 1546
  • Philip II († 1554), Lord of Oberstein, Broich and Bürgel; his property fell in 1554
  • Wirich VI. († 1598), Lord von Broich and Bürgel; his property fell in 1598
  • Johann Adolf († 1623), Lord of Broich and Bürgel; his property fell in 1623
  • Wilhelm Wirich († 1682), who also became the owner of the County of Falkenstein in 1636, but did not leave a male heir.


  • Otto Redlich : Mülheim ad Ruhr. Its history from the beginning to the transition to Prussia in 1815 . City of Mülheim an der Ruhr self-published, city of Mülheim an der Ruhr 1939.
  • Erich Glöckner: A genealogical treatise on the Daun-Falckensteiner family. In: Mülheim an der Ruhr. Yearbook. 1964, ZDB -ID 400096-1 , pp. 80-87.
  • Erich Glöckner: An ancestral revival was a mystery. In: Mülheim an der Ruhr. Yearbook. 1964, pp. 102-104.
  • Rolf-Achim Mostert: Wirich von Daun Graf zu Falkenstein (1542–1598). An imperial count and the Bergisch state in the tension between power politics and denomination. Düsseldorf 1997 (Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine University, dissertation, 1997).
  • Brigide Schwarz : The Petrikirche in Mülheim as a stately burial place (= magazine of the history association Mülheim ad Ruhr. Issue 78, ISSN  0343-9453 ). History Association, Mülheim ad Ruhr 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gregor Brand, Leopold Joseph Graf Daun - Austrian general from the Eifler family , Eifel newspaper, July 4, 2012 (accessed on January 3, 2013)