Dave Sheppard

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Dave Sheppard (born December 12, 1931 in New York City , † October 1, 2000 ) was an American weightlifter.


Dave Sheppard was already active in many different sports as a boy. Especially in gymnastics and gymnastics. He started lifting weights at the age of 11. In 1947 and in the years that followed, he won several regional junior championships. In 1950, at the age of 18, he won the US Junior Lightweight Championship and took 3rd place in the US Senior Championships. On this occasion, he set his first US record in the two-armed snatch with 114.5 kg. In 1951 he started, meanwhile grown into the middleweight division, for the first time at a world championship. In the following years he was active several times in the Olympic Games and World Championships, but he was not granted a victory. Thomas Kono or Arkady Vorobyov could always place themselves in front of him. After 1958 he only competed at national level. In 1963 he won his last victory at the California Championships.

International success

(OS = Olympic Games, WM = World Championship, Le = lightweight, Mi = middleweight, Ls = light heavyweight, Ms = middle heavyweight)

  • 1951, 2nd place , World Championships in Milan , Wed, with 395 kg, behind Peter George , USA , 395 kg and in front of Khadr Sayed El Touni , Egypt , 387.5 kg;
  • 1953, 2nd place , World Championships in Stockholm , Wed, with 397.5 kg, behind Kono, 407.5 kg and in front of Yuri Duganow , USSR , 382.5 kg;
  • 1954, 2nd place , World Championships in Vienna , Ms, with 440 kg, behind Vorobjow, USSR, 460 kg and in front of Clyde Emrich , USA, 427.5 kg;
  • 1955. 1st place , PanAm Games in Mexico City , Ms, ahead of Barabani, Brazil and Sigelshifer, Argentina;
  • 1956, silver medal , OS in Melbourne , Ms, with 442.5 kg, behind Vorobyov, 462.5 kg, and in front of Jean Debuf , France , 425 kg;
  • 1958, 2nd place , World Championships in Stockholm, Ms, with 450 kg, behind Vorobjow, 465 kg and in front of Ivan Vesselinov, Bulgaria , 422.5 kg

USA championships

  • 1950, 3rd place, Le, with 345 kg, behind Joe Pitman , 347.5 kg and Thomas Kono, 345 kg,
  • 1951, 2nd place, Wed, with 390 kg, behind Peter George, 390 kg and in front of Frank Spellman , 365 kg,
  • 1952, 2nd place, Ls, with 390 kg, behind Clyde Emrich , 392.5 kg,
  • 1953, 2nd place, Ls, with 405 kg, behind Stanley Stanczyk , 415 kg and in front of James George, 340 kg,
  • 1954, 1st place, Ms, with 442.5 kg, ahead of Emrich, 415 kg,
  • 1955, 1st place, Ms, with 437.5 kg, before Emrich, 427.5 kg,
  • 1957, 3rd place, Ls, with 410 kg, behind Kono, 440 kg and James George, 425 kg,
  • 1958, 1st place, class up to 102.5 kg, with 435 kg, ahead of Haaser, 412.5 kg and Cheifetz, 410 kg

World records

when pressing with both arms:

in two-armed tearing:

  • 141.5 kg, 1954 in York , Ms,
  • 142.5 kg, 1954 in Vienna, Ms,
  • 145.5 kg, 1957 New York , Ms

in two-armed thrusting:

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