Khadr Sayed El Touni

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Khadr Sayed El Touni in 1936

Khadr Sayed El Touni ( Arabic خضر التوني, DMG Ḫaḍr at-Tūnī ; * March 15, 1915 in Cairo ; † September 25, 1956 in Helwan , al-Qahira ) was an Egyptian weightlifter .


He began lifting weights as a young man at Shobra School in Cairo. In 1934 he was the first Egyptian middleweight champion with a performance of 330 kg. His appearance and his performances at the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936 with the new world record in middleweight of 387.5 kg, with which he was 35 kg ahead of the runner-up, were the sensation of the games. Supposedly Adolf Hitler said to him at the award ceremony: "Egypt can be proud of you - I hope you will choose Germany as your second home." El Touni stayed in Egypt . El Touni had a black day at the 1938 World Championships in Vienna . Slightly injured, he made three failed attempts by pushing with both arms and remained unplaced. Probably his best years as an athlete, those from 1940 to 1945, El Touni, like so many other athletes, could not use. It was not until 1948 that he was able to take part in the Olympic Games again. The evening before the middleweight division, he injured himself and was banned from the team doctor. El Touni competed anyway, but, handicapped by the injury, only came in fourth. At the World Championships in 1949, 1950 and 1951 he showed again fabulous performances. At the Olympic Games in 1952, surprisingly, he was no longer there.

He ended his career and was only 41 years old in an electrical accident in his home in Helwan in 1956. He left a wife and 8 children.

In 1971 the El-Thouni-Weg in Munich's Olympic Park was named after him.

International success

(OS = Olympic Games, WM = World Championship, Wed = Middleweight)

  • 1936, gold medal , OS in Berlin , Wed, with 387.5 kg, in front of Rudolf Ismayr , Germany , 352.5 kg and Adolf Wagner (weightlifter) , Germany, 350 kg;
  • 1938, unplaced, World Championships in Vienna , Wed, 3 failed attempts in pushing, winner Wagner with 367.5 kg ahead of Ismayr, 360 kg;
  • 1946, 1st place , World Championship in Paris , Wed, with 377.5 kg, ahead of John Terpak , USA , 375 kg and Frank Spellman , USA, 372.5 kg, and Nikolai Schatow , USSR , 367.5 kg:
  • 1948, 4th place , OS in London , Wed, with 380 kg, behind Spellman, 390 kg, Peter George , USA, 385 kg and Kim Jung Sup, South Korea, 380 kg;
  • 1949, 1st place , World Championships in Scheveningen , Wed, with 397.5 kg, ahead of George, 385 kg and Mohamed Rhanavardi, Iran , 340 kg;
  • 1950, 1st place , World Championships in Paris, Wed, with 400 kg, ahead of George, 390 kg and Pushkarew, USSR , 385 kg;
  • 1951, 3rd place , World Championships in Milan , Wed, with 387.5 kg, behind George, 395 kg and Dave Sheppard , USA, 395 kg.

World records

when pressing with both arms:

  • 1934 in Cairo , 109.5 kg,
  • 1936 in Berlin, 117.5 kg,
  • 1938 in Alexandria , 120 kg.

in two-armed tearing:

  • 1935 in Cairo 114.5 kg,
  • 1935 in Cairo, 115.5 kg,
  • 1936 in Berlin 120 kg,
  • 1936 in Alexandria 122 kg.

in two-armed thrusting:

  • 1936 in Cairo 149.5 kg,
  • 1936 in Cairo 152.5 kg.

in the Olympic three-way battle:

  • 1935 in Cairo 370 kg,
  • 1936 in Cairo 372.5 kg,
  • 1936 in Cairo 385 kg,
  • 1936 in Berlin 387.5 kg.

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