Carlo Galimberti

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Carlo Galimberti

Carlo Galimberti (born August 2, 1894 in Rosario , Argentina , † August 10, 1939 in Milan ) was an Italian weightlifter . He became an Olympic middleweight champion in 1924 .


Galimberti grew up as the son of Italian immigrants in Rosario de Santa Fè, Argentina. As a teenager, he played a variety of sports, especially soccer , but then turned to weightlifting . After the First World War , the family returned to Milan and Carlo competed in many national competitions with great success. For this reason he was sent to the Olympic Games in Paris in 1924 , where he won the gold medal in the middleweight division (up to 75 kg body weight). He also took part in the next three Olympic Games and won two more silver medals.

Carlo Galimberti died in 1939, he was only 45 years old.

International success

(OS = Olympic Games, EM = European Championship, OD = Olympic three-way fight, consisting of two-armed pushing, tearing and pushing, FK = pentathlon, consisting of the OD + one-armed tearing and one-armed pushing)

World records

(all world records were set in the middleweight division)

when pressing with both arms:

  • 105 kg, 1928 in Amsterdam.

in two-armed thrusting:

  • 127.5 kg, in Paris in 1924.

in the Olympic three-way battle:

  • 312.5 kg, in 1924 in Paris,
  • 320 kg, 1924 in Paris,
  • 332.5 kg, 1928 in Amsterdam.

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