David Bourdon

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David Bourdon (born October 15, 1934 - March 27, 1998 in New York ) was an American journalist , art critic and author .

Bourdon was a feature editor at Life magazine from 1966 to 1971 , then a journalist at the Smithsonian and from 1983 to 1986 an editor at Vogue . Bourdon wrote numerous articles on contemporary art and culture ; he published monographs on Christo and Andy Warhol .

Due to his long-standing friendship with the pop artist Warhol, Bourdon was able to sketch a detailed picture of the 1960s, although records by other Warhol biographers such as Victor Bockris or Stephen Shore give different representations. Bourdon played a supporting role in Warhol's experimental film Batman Dracula in 1964 .

David Bourdon was known as a connoisseur of the Warhol Factory .


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