David Schuster

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David Schuster (born May 26, 1910 in Bad Brückenau ; died October 8, 1999 in Würzburg ) was a German merchant, community leader of the Würzburg Jewish Community and a functionary of Jewish organizations.


David Schuster attended elementary and secondary school in Würzburg and later learned about the textile and shoe industry at a commercial school, after which he worked as an employee. In 1932 he took over a hotel in Bad Brückenau that had previously been run by his parents. In 1937, however, its existence was destroyed. Because of his Jewish origins, he was transferred to the Dachau concentration camp , and one year later to the Buchenwald concentration camp . From this he was released a short time later, but on the condition that he had to leave Germany immediately. Schuster then emigrated to Palestine , where he worked as an employee for a construction company. His son Josef was born in Haifa in 1954 .

In 1956 the family returned to Würzburg, where David took over his parents' property. He received a teaching post for Jewish history at the University of Würzburg and was elected first chairman of the Jewish community in Würzburg in 1958 . After initially serving on the Presidium, he was the first Vice-President of the State Association of Israelite Religious Communities in Bavaria from 1971 , and was last re-elected in January 1997. He was also a member of the council meeting of the Central Council of Jews in Germany (ZdJ), was a founding member and board member of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation in Lower Franconia and sat in the Bavarian Senate from 1976 to 1981 . In 1990 he was made an honorary citizen of the University of Würzburg.



  • His son Josef Schuster has also been the first chairman of the Jewish community in Würzburg since 1998 and president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany since November 2014.
  • The David-Schuster-Realschule, located in the Frauenland district of Würzburg, is named after David Schuster.


  • Roland Flade: Jewish family stories from Lower Franconia. Main-Post, Würzburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-925232-89-3 , pp. 193-202.
  • Alexander von Papp: A Franconian-Jewish Life in the 20th Century - On the 100th Birthday of David Schuster. In: Frankenland - magazine for Franconian regional studies and culture. Issue 4/2011. Verlag Frankenbund, Würzburg 2011, pp. 284–295 ( PDF ).

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